If you are talking about it in those terms, I can only think that your power to do anything in opposition as an individual, is rather limited, no matter how much you haw and paw about it. Unless you really go knock yourself out, join the Freemen and start a revolution or something, laws like that, you probably won't even get asked to express your opinion. Lots of crazy regs have been passed by people that appear pretty sane by most other respects, and not on medications. It can get worrisome, but in this case, likely no need to get excited yet.
I don't myself see how a video that has to be in a saw box is going to usurp anyone's freedom, unless someone requires verification that the purchaser has watched it, only obtained by watching it. Mail in a questionnaire, "What was Henry Jones doing wrong when Mrs Jones became a widow"? Check the proper box. Guys put up vids here all the time showing the best ways to do things safely, i watch them, admittedly not forced to, and sure don't feel that my freedom is somehow being imperiled. I think enough people would probably watch it on their own to make that in itself a worthwhile idea. The law extends to the manufacturers, not the users, and the makers already have enough of a tick in their eye from how much that they have to align themselves to regulations, that another one won't matter. It could work in their favor, folks that get decent with a saw and grow the confidence having been given some proper instruction for a change, may want another. They are already making vids, and cd roms are cheap. People that are above it all, go toss the unwatched vid in the stove.... Oh wait, there must be a law about that too!

The big question that remains in my mind, how much can a video teach a novice? This is what can happen to YOU, could be effective.