Steel toe/chainsaw boots vs Regular boots


Sep 23, 2010
Just interested in opinions on chainsaw protection boots vs sturdy hiking boots.

I've had steel toe in the past but typically wear full shank hiking boots(scarp and la spotiva fit me well). Considering looking into some of the newer options of chainsaw boots but wouldn't be able to try on before buying. Hiking boots are easy for me to find at great prices.

Hopefully no one has tested the safety features of the chainsaw boost but interested in opinions.
I use hiking type boots for spurless and lineman/logger boots for spurs. Both have composite toe. If steel toe was an option in those boots , I would have gotten it. Just my very humble situation.
Steel toes in boots are the minimum by law here. Many a log has rolled over my toes and that when you say 'that's why I wear steel toes'.
Just like when I bump my head on something....'thats why you wear a helmet'
Statistics. Seatbelts will trap you in a burning truck too but what are the odds versus being saved by one in a crash? Trust the science. How many boosters are you up to now?