Do you have any barber-chair prone species there?
I've barberchaired a tree pulling by hand, sorta thick hinge, backleaning. I didn't see it happen, but at least by the time I got back to the stump, there was a vertical fracture up the trunk many feet...petering out visually, from right behind the hinge. Possibly very lined up with the pith... Dunno. Didn't investigate that much, as there was other work to do to get out for the day.
Alders are killers hear..."I know which way it wants to going to fall," they say.
Same site...
I fell one with the lean, knowing at worst, it could run up 6' to an obviously huge grain interruption. Clean cut. Popped quickly. Shoulda bore-cut it or chained it, but didn't think it would be so reactive to a clean face-cut, fast back-cut. Open lay, no problem, except it landed on my ax handle, breaking it, which I should have cleared away from the base, as there was no need for it, but its force of habit to keep ax and wedges together with me at the stump. Thankfully Husqvarna warrantied the composite, unreplaceable, handle with a new one (~$75)
I've also chained a lot of alders.
A simple trick is to hook the chain tight, and pop in a couple wedges to tighten.
I've usually got at least 6 small, 6 medium, and 6 large wedges on the truck, so finding the right size for the shape of the tree is easy enough. No risk of busting a chain binder against a rock or other stump or something, and its lighter. Chain binders don't bend well around smaller diameter trees.