looking for lead climber/ crew leader

That's exactly why I had to change the focus of my business, Burnham. I know very few financially successful treemen (what I would call financially successful, anyway) and only work for one who would fit in that category. All the rest are constantly chasing dollars, struggling to make ends meet every single month. It's the nature of the industry I guess.

So there was no way I was going to have the exact same kind of business and think that I would somehow succeed where few others had. I had to come up with a different angle where I could make more money with less overhead. I did that by buying the best piece of specialized equipment I could find and by assuming most of the risk in exchange for a piece of the action. For the time being it's working a bit better than most of the other tree guys I know.

Hard working and good natured. Never met a Minnesotan I didn't like, though I'm sure you have, having met many more. My groundie is Minnesotan, moved to Ohio. Last groundie was from Detroit area, and a good, hard worker. Before that, an Ohio-an. I myself am from Chicago.
I'd also say an Ohio farm-raised guy. Midwesterners overall, as a broad, broad generalization can be good workers.
Olympians, questionable.

Hard working and good natured. Never met a Minnesotan I didn't like, though I'm sure you have, having met many more. My groundie is Minnesotan, moved to Ohio. Last groundie was from Detroit area, and a good, hard worker. Before that, an Ohio-an. I myself am from Chicago.
I'd also say an Ohio farm-raised guy. Midwesterners overall, as a broad, broad generalization can be good workers.
Olympians, questionable.


and yes, Ive met plenty I didnt like. We are a hard working, well seasoned bunch though. For the most part.
Sorry to throw you under the bus with my reputation hopper, but I couldn't resist... I'm originally from Minnesota too!
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  • #41
Howz it working out with Julio?


he rocks man
you cant believe how much brush he can hump and chip

having probs with his papers though, might not work out, which sucks ,i like him
mr b
my crew leader that was with me for years got 15 an hour, rights to use equip and as far as bonuses, the comp screws me, so i give gear as bonus material, and saws on occasion, and pay for training materials and isa lectures , even certs if willing
we celebrate their b days

and try to be understanding of everyones needs

i had a good crew
but 1 moved to ft bragg to care for his dad..(screamin eagle kelsey ) ...gb knows him, his son don worked for me

my rope guy, got caught up in a seperation and acted like a child, got my truck locked up and we sent him down the road cause he was drinking too much
and my climber after his divorce, became an asshole, i paid him well, but when i put him on the books at 23 an hour he got an attitude and wanted 400 a day...cash...no checks and 1099's which screws me
one day at lunch he told the new guy he was gonna punk me out for going to dump without telling him i was leaving him with the new guy for a bit while i dumped

well he tried, he came down from the tree and ran his mouth, i told him to finish the day and we'll talk at the shop
he pressed me like a convict in the chow line, and tried to make me out to be a bitch
and i sent him on his way
he was good, but a lil nutty, gb knows him...wild eyed john

i know i need to pay more,
and i will after someone shows me they are worth it, and not just letting me pay for their vacation to the redwoods

i hired a driver/rope man for 12 an hour yesterday
but need a climber badly

i dont care where a persons from as long as they can do a class 1 pruning and likes to rig big trees
Yes, Virginia, one does have to pay more for quality. A young unattached guy that knows all that and is willing to stay with you is rare indeed. Good luck. Twenty years ago, I was that guy. Then I found out my bosses (partners_) were selling dope. Goodbye! I'm not saying anything about your, but you have to be realistic. That is a lot to ask of a young guy with no family (no insurance liability, right?) So I would pare down my expecations, run the ad, and get ready to spend a lot of time on the phone. Explore all local options, then broaden your search. We are out there. And we want someone to emulate and admire. Are you?
I'd consider it if it payed more,I like it out there anyway. That is if you don't mind a young guy who does everything old school.
Shhhh, don't let them on to my plan for a planet full of tiny trees.
As long as you keep my secret about a planet of no trees.

We specialize in wholesale tree massacre. Ask anybody. :lol:
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  • #49
yeah ive realized why my old boss called me "the last great white hope"
so since youngster are hard to find, i'm thinking of someone who balances out my weaknesses and can help share the workload,
but realistically to pay more, i'd almost have to giva a fella a 1 percent share and then put them on pl/pd/and health ins...to beat out the comp costs

so i know i need 3 to 4 g a month to live, so must most other guys
it's like doubling the pay, but might be realistic to find someone that way
Along your previously mentioned notion of giving gear as bonuses to compensate without getting tagged on extra WC, are their other ways to compensate for which there will not be add'l WC costs? Paying the rent? Grocery store vouchers? Sorta room and board plus pay? Would this be along the lines of medical benefits, or are you tagged on WC for any and all compensation? You might have to have month to month lease, tho.

I like having a flat hourly rate for worker's comp. We are lucky that way in WA state, I guess.