That will work... you probably don't even need the maul with those mits my friend.
That's true, forgot you're not dealing with some knarly hardwood.Its about the best exercise i get.
Plus...on lodgepole and doug fir....its way faster than a hydraulic splitter.
Its all they can do to keep rounds on the block for me.
I'll come up that way boss, toad youse I wanna sponge...THAT is what I'm missing...someone to put the rounds on the block. Sheesh, what an oversight!
Chain and a bungee cord works well.I am trying the stand em up in a tire method. I tried it the other day and did not have quite the right tire. My back has been on the fritz for 6 weeks, so any savings in up and down is welcome. First time I ever went to a chiropractor. Not that I should not have gone several times before. When I could not get my socks and underwear on convinced me time to go.
My mauls are "sharp" in the loosest sense of the word, you can saw your way through a rope but not sharpness important for splitting? i keep my splitting tools fairly blunt but what do i know.
Splitting decent ash, oak or cherry in the 10"-20" range, I can often get a few splits off before the chunk tips over. It takes forever to recycle the splits back through the Timberwolf. I'm also spoiled by my backhoe powered splitter.