length of lanyard?

Shouldn't we call it the Scaffold Hitch? That's how we use it right? Anyways, the knot is super secure, it has good strength retention, and it has a little weight to it, which is nice for slinging it around.

I'm with Butch, a 12 footer has been all I've ever wanted in a positioning lanyard.

Not to push one piece of kit over another, but I'm still loving this - - >


Sterling TriTech is great stuff. Mechanical adjuster handles pitch like a champ.

A positioning lanyard/flip line length is such a personal preference that depends on climber preference, climb style, demographic and tree species they deal with.
I usually have 3 different sizes not counting my short climb lines. All with swivel steel snaps. One cable core and two rope. 10 foot, 12-15 foot and 18 foot. After that, two climb lines.
If I am not using two climb lines, I am using one lanyard/flip line with the climb line.
The cable core has a Petzl Macro Grab for pitchy situations.
My cable core is retiring. I will be talking to WesSpur about making me a 18' 5/8 three strand spliced at both ends for me to replace it with.
I will also be trying the Tri Tech soon. RIght now I am outfitting my new climber with gear and fixing shit. I will do with my 1/2" rope flip lines knotted onto hardware for now ... LOL
I can completely see the advantage of skipping pre-made splices and tying my own knots (while being sure to test everything low & slow). I've got Knots at Work and it's super helpful too. One question on that: the advantage of the double fisherman's loop vs. the anchor hitch is that the terminal end comes out parallel to the line, right?

The scaffold knot/double fisherman's is super secure, 100% will not come untied after loading with a bit of tail. An anchor hitch is fairly easy to untie, which also means it can be bumped loose.
Thank you all! After reading this thread I couldn't help but check out the ce lanyard,and made my own with dmm biners and rapide pulley,used some tachyon as lanyard,i keep a friction cord on my saddle ,i just apply blakes as needed. Was definitely due. I don't see why you would want a little prusik on your lanyard just to choke it off for srt,double wrap and snap makes sense to me.

This is the first non wire core lanyard I've used since my very first lanyard 17 years ago...
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  • #30
made a choice

Hi, guys:

Thanks again for all the replies. I wound up figuring a rough average of your responses and came up with something in the 15' range. As I started to price stuff to assemble myself, I hard time beating about $100 for a line, prusik, tending pulley, biner, and rope snap, so I wound up going this pre-made route from WesSpur for $103.

  • Static flipline from 11mm Super Static x 15'
  • Climb Right brand double-locking rope snap (seems a bit "Chinese" in quality, if you know what I mean. Eek!)
  • Sterling 8mm prusik cord
  • SMC CRx micro pulley
  • Rock Exotica rockD biner
  • splicing by their in-house Iron Street folks


It's designed for noobs. The website/catalog copy reads:

"This flipline was developed for Ascension Group training classes, with the goal of making a rope flipline that is easily distinguished from all ropes used in climbing systems. The black and red system on the flipline kit will help new climbers keep their systems separate."

I'll keep an eye on the VT (may go to a Distel) and report back after the first climb. Thanks again for your help!

Vid here at 13:21.
....looks cool. I would soon hate that snap though. Never found a double locker I liked. Still run old school nons. Prob the only OSHA non compliance in my gear.
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  • #32
I would soon hate that snap though.

I kind of hate it already based on its seeming cheapness! :O

I'm sure it's fine and the QC is there (it's stamped rated to 33kN and 10kN side-loaded), but that distinctive font that a lot of Chinese goods use does not exactly inspire confidence! I'll try to take a photo...
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  • #33
Now that I look at it closely, I really don't think there's much to worry about. The brain is a funny thing. If the snap were stamped DMM or Rock Exotica, I wouldn't give the "feel" of it any consideration. It's just the "off-brand" stigma at work!

To each their own ,but I ended up shelling out the $ for the hardware and used rope and prusik that I already had... I also made mine 15'
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #37
To each their own ,but I ended up shelling out the $ for the hardware and used rope and prusik that I already had... I also made mine 15'

Sounds good, griff. I was starting from scratch with no rope or cordage on hand.

Looks like we'll both see how we like 15'...happy climbing!
....looks cool. I would soon hate that snap though. Never found a double locker I liked. Still run old school nons. Prob the only OSHA non compliance in my gear.
I know you've probably heard it a hundred times, but those non-locking snaps can sure roll out pretty easily. The double lockers become second nature after awhile. Nothing wrong with that snap Jeff though I personally like steel on my lanyards, the added weight helps in throwing and retrieving.
not sure if I like the protective sleeve,may shed that,ended up using it in conjunction with my steel core and gibbs yesterday
I don't like an aluminum biner at the end of my lanyard/rope.
Too light and therefore too hard to toss over branches and get back.
There definitely is no replacement for wire core and steel in certain trees/giant ass pole of a tree. The light weight feels like a welcomed change on the body though,i get tired of almost breaking windows with even the tail of my wire core let alone keeping my eye on the steel snap.

I'll never forget this time when i was very green,i was on my last sycamore for the day,exhausted as hell,burning up,cotton mouth like mofo,the whole 9,just beat...on my descent i got too distracted and my steel snap was laying over a branch as i come flying outta that piece with a smoking hitch,to my surprise,that snap whipped over and off that branch and directly back down and kissed me like a drunk lush at the nights end,leaving red lipstick n all... I learned a good lesson that day. lol
Weight and feel ....plus I have Steel Dees. Steel on Steel much safer.

I'll try to say this in a polite way, having just told Jomo to write as if he was face to face with folks.

Being concerned about your D-rings wearing out your lanyard carabiner from contact with each other is the mark of a true paranoic!!!!!!!!

That worked pretty well, didn't it:D

That is like worrying about being hit by an asteroid while working IMO.