Woods walker
Looks ideal for a chicken coop.

I kinda like it the way it is. Looks nice and simple to me, easy to keep clean.
That would go in the garage Butch.
That's an Excellent Post, Kate.
A good friend of mine's a landscaper. That boy makes some dinero! It's surprising! And WAY lower insurance rates...
I'm in the wrong bizz!
One cool thing is not very many landscapers can be killed OTJ. I kinda like that part...
...in the summer it will be about 110 degrees there at 6 o'clock....
biting my tongue on that one. i like the edibles idea. you could do the three sisters planting (corn, beans, and squash interplanted) or melons, they like heat.Hot and dry isn't so bad, compared to hot and wet.