North Korea has logging camps in Siberia. People work there, basically conscripted in three year contracts, informed and thinking that it is required for the good of the homeland. After three years, the higher skilled get a short break then must return. The North Korean flag flies at those very isolated places, and propaganda is abundant. Photos of the illustrious leader inspire the work ethic. The living conditions are very poor, and basically working for no pay. The money from the lumber goes to the regime to further enrich....funds for weaponry and fine liquors. The Russians are in on the deal, they ok the contracts. Kim jong-il would go to Siberia to set it up. People have gone there to try and film the situation, but the North Koreans are very hostile and suspect of such. If a worker is asked who is to blame for the conditions and necessity of their struggle, they immediately say that it's the US. North Korea is a bad place, crazy too, if you have seen some of the filming smuggled out of that country. Women washing clothes in the freezing river by a town with no electricity, then later practicing marching and fighting with sticks to protect themselves from invasion.