just ordered a grcs

Howdja get that kind of wood out of there, sounds a bit much for the k boom
Ill have to look around and see if I can find the pics. The tree was in a back yard. we had to rig out the top of the tree down to that crotch as the 70 ton crane we used for the wood couldnt get its jib out so couldnt reach the top. Had a bunch of guys hump the brush out and craned the wood. Topped it out 1 day craned wood next day, stressful as heck, big reach, big wood. 10 year ago I used to like that kinda challenge. Now I like dogwood removals;)
I love tip tying the piece, having the ground. Winch ... while the climber controls the Butt with a second line run throught a Port A Wrap in the tree ... true teamwork! ... drift line rigging you can land the piece butt first, tip first, or flat! !!
Sorry guys for bringing up such on old thread but I thought it was better than starting a new one. Anyway we are so close to pulling the trigger on a new GRCS and just need some reviews to put my dad over the edge on buying one. Any reviews would be great both good and bad!
Buy the damn thing!

How's that? Seriously I won't do tree work without one any more. It's one of those things that you know is a great tool but you don't realize how much safer, efficient, and easier it can make your job. We get jobs now that we couldn't have done before without a GRCS. We have had ours for a little over a year and I guarantee it has paid for itself. As the company owner I have to say that buying one is a great business decision that you won't regret.
Buy the damn thing!

How's that? Seriously I won't do tree work without one any more. It's one of those things that you know is a great tool but you don't realize how much safer, efficient, and easier it can make your job. We get jobs now that we couldn't have done before without a GRCS. We have had ours for a little over a year and I guarantee it has paid for itself. As the company owner I have to say that buying one is a great business decision that you won't regret.

Thanks for that post Eric! One more question, when you are lowering something and have to let the piece run does that effect the winch at all? I heard that it can sometimes bind up if you are letting it run to fast.
I have read about the winch binding on people but I have never had it happen to me. I noticed once or twice that a wrap worked up and over another one but it never caused me a problem. I could see how getting it bound could cause a serious problem. That is one small downside to a great tool.
I have had it bind up on me, but I figured out that it was my fault. I was giving TOO much slack. Keep a little bit of tension, and you'll be fine.

JUST GET IT. It is an AWESOME piece of equipment. After a few months you'll never even think about the cost. It WILL save you money. And every once in a while it will get you jobs that no one else can do. Think about a tree crashed onto a roof in a windstorm and buckets or cranes are out of the equation. Someone else could climb the fallen tree and rig it out to guys standing on the damaged roof. You get to pull the tree up and over, though.

Seriously- stop f-ing around and get it. If you're thinking about it, you're ready.
Or go big and get a HOBBS, haha


Or don't.

I have both, and after getting the GRCS, the Hobbs doesn't seee much daylight any more.

We only bring it out if we have to wreck something big out and drop large pieces into the rigging.
Or if we run two lines on a job, but in all honesty, a second GRCS would be my choice for that.

The Hobb's is a GREAT tool, but it is a tool of the last century.

See how a visit to Medford frigging spoiled my world outlook, willie?:lol:
Per Dave, "Greg is having Harken make an arborist specific capstan. It will be taller, allowing more wraps (5 with 3/4" line) Wider jaws on the tailer, a stainless cap that will protect the jaws. Instead of the upper jaw moving it will be the lower that moves. Also in testing this winch will pull around 25% more. So the increased cost is justified in my mind."

From this thread: https://www.masterblasterhome.com/showthread.php?15516-GRCS-getting-updated&highlight=grcs