Job posting!


Island Girl
Mar 22, 2005
We are looking for a climber here in Marathon, Fl. Pay will depend on your qualifications. CDL is a plus.
So, what's the least you pay? What's the range? Any vacation / sick time? Do you have to pass a drug test first? Is a commercial driver's liscence necessary? What's the average cost for a place to rent/stay in Marathon?

Just a few questions I'd wanna know before applying.

And good luck!!!
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One week vacation after a year, two weeks after 5 years. Average rent is 8-1200. No drug test unless you get hurt, a requirement of workman's comp. Pay ranges from 18-32, although I have not paid 32 in a long time. That kind of pay takes a special breed of cat.
My top guy makes over $32.00/hour + benifits, you gotta pay good to keep the good ones.

Sounds tempting for a winter gig, while my guys are shoveling snow this winter I could be working in the heat, hmmmmmmm.

It would interupt my 2 months in Kauai though this Jan-Feb, tempting for sure though!
My wife is leaving and I am considering all options, but not confident I'd fit in that far South (Arboristically) Ha, I think I made a word...:D