Been at this for awhile and thought I'd seen it all. Gerry's caution in his book covers it well , locally the large Sugar Maples or any old tree along the stone walls will certainly have barbed wire and staples.. Fell a forested Red Spruce next to a house yesterday as part of a bigger job , no giant mebbee 60' h 16"dbh. Was working it and the first cut up from the stump sparks and suddenly dull as f'shit as a framing nail was in there ! , no worries I accept it occasionally working residential. Figured I'd finish the job an be outa there in short order w the 372 before sunset (Hope's are dreams sometimes)... up near the top backchaining someunderneath limbs , godman sparks and I'm dull with a surprisingly bad attitude very quickly ...seems years ago some freaking terrorists had wrapped an old bandsaw blade around some limbs ... until I found it !!! , sucks but could have been much worse I guess. Finished it this morning.