Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

If you want an antidote to the no less than 3 threads Daniel Murphy has going here, about the evil of vaxxines ( Just to use his dyslectic spelling of them), the invention of Covid by the jewish overlords and the lizard people as a mean to enslave us all etc..........etc......etc..........................all by the same person who believes in EVERY goddamned conspirazy theory known to man/woman, this might be a good read:

Amazon product ASIN 059342039X
Simply because he mixes it all together:
Covid, the jewish overlords, Lizard people , 9/11, the moon landing, us being bred by aliens to mine gold. Bill Gates wanting to inject us all with micro chips...........and I probably missed at least a dozen others.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is too far out for the Murphadite to believe in.

That would be fine as long as he didn't fill the one forum that hasn't shut him up, to the brim with it.

3 threads here are full of his delusions.

The god of treework, who can't use a saw for shit, but can still tell all us sheep how the World really works.

My guess is, he was abducted by aliens at an early age.

Or potty trained too harshly.
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VP Mike Pence announced the goal of putting man on the moon in 5 years, no matter what it takes. that goal has just been pushed back another year...

even that is unlikely to happen. how much sense does it make that we could put man mission on the moon in 8 years with 1961 technology, but can't do it in 5 years now?

at some point common sense has to override the spoonfed brainwashing..

I'll make a prediction right now... Stig... you won't live to see it.
He does dredge up the dumbest shit known to man and tries to pass it as truth, making it almost impossible not to frig with him.

I'll make a prediction right now... Stig... you won't live to see it.

Aaaaaand go frig yourself dude. Your fat ass is a walking heart attack, and yet you have all sorts of medical advice for people. If this was a real bar you would have a bloody cocksucker by now.
Maybe all the shitting on Ivermectin is a financial thing. I mean it is out of patent and only 0.06 usd a unit.

Whereas, if someone came up with something that is similar, inhibits the spikeproteins and therefore breaks down a virus. I mean that company would stand to make a fair bit of money?

So according the the above review vid, which he named his sources and and Peer Reviewed Studies the new Pfizer drug does inhibit proteins in a similar way to Ivermectin but it isn’t quite as effective.

It makes you wonder if some one/company has it in for Ivermectin.

Follow the money.
The media makes a point to call Ivermectin the anti-parasite drug, never mentioning the anti-viral properties.

Did you see the uproar when CNN accused Joe Rogan of taking dewormer?

He had the CNN medical specialist on his podcast and asked why he continued to work for a News Outlet that out and out lied. JR had it on prescription from a doctor who treat humans and not a Veterinary surgeon.
Anyone who believes the larger Pharma companies have our best interests as their number one goal, is very dillusional.

Customers over cures.

Profit is the main driver.

I have mentioned it before. Did anyone watch the HBO Documentary about the crime of the century? How the opioid crisis started in the US.

If you haven’t seen it then have a watch. What they did was pure evil with zero concern for their patients.
Watch it Jim.

Pure scandal. Sales people taking the doctors to strip bars and writing them Ferarri sized checks if they keep prescribing OxyContin etc.

Changing the definitions to get drugs passed by the FDA or whoever monitors medicines.

Then settling out of court for astronomical sized fines (to you and me) yet it was nothing more than a parking ticket to them. AND then continuing to do exactly as they did before.
I think its pretty clear that the US consumes nearly all of the worlds Opiates.

I suspect we went to war in Afghanistan over opium.

Seems like I saw a snippet once that said the Drug Companies said that Oxy and the like were a non-habit forming miracle drug.
Yes, to prove it they made a lifelong Heroin addict as their test case. Telling a smack head to just keep asking for more. Never a good idea. Then changing the definitions relating to misuse.

I can’t remember the exact amounts but he was taking a ridiculous amount of pills.

Simply because he mixes it all together:
Covid, the jewish overlords, Lizard people , 9/11, the moon landing, us being bred by aliens to mine gold. Bill Gates wanting to inject us all with micro chips...........and I probably missed at least a dozen others.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is too far out for the Murphadite to believe in.

That would be fine as long as he didn't fill the one forum that hasn't shut him up, to the brim with it.

3 threads here are full of his delusions.

The god of treework, who can't use a saw for shit, but can still tell all us sheep how the World really works.
My guess is, he was abducted by aliens at an early age.
Or potty trained too harshly.


a child could look at the video of the building 7 collapse and know that was controlled demolition... no way does fire cause a building collapse at near free fall speed... anyone that looks at this tape and thinks differently is a brainwashed idiot.

I'll make a prediction right now... Stig... you won't live to see it.

I think you are off by 2 years.
My onkologist says 7 before the leukemia kicks in.

But then you are way smarter than him, of course, so I'll plan for less than 5 of course.

Daniel, I think you are the only one on all the tree forums ( Where everybody love you, right? Ooooooorrrr........how was it with that)) who would stoop so low as to use a person's mortal disease to win an argument.

Do you honestly think that my death will make you better at using a chainsaw?

If so, you are in for a surprice.
The only thing that could do that, would be for you to go back to basics.
Learn to sharpen, trim bars and spend some serious time practising making straight cuts that are level and intersect where they are supposed to.

No chance of that, of course.
You are way too "out of the box" for that kind of thing.

My apprentices cut better than you after about 2 months.
when did I ever say anything about lizard people?
Never did.. you just made it up.... more BS mudslinging.. that's our MO

You were the one, who let the lizard people in!

You posted a video by david Icke: " The truth about Corona".

Oh, boy, listen to this guy, he has got it together.

See what I mean about NO conspiracy theory being too far out for you?