Irma watch


Sep 6, 2006
central Florida
The forecast changed dramatically today and it looks like Florida is going to get a direct hit. The big question now is if it will go west into the Gulf or turn north and up the coast.

Virginia, I hope you're ready for this one.


Here's an awesome page of weather links.
I have been amazed at the outpouring of help going to Texas and in our area stores are already sold out of things like bottled water and some grocery items that folks have bought up to send to hurricane Harvey victims. Every town around here has loaded and sent tractor trailers full of supplies and it looks like Irma is going to be nasty too. A lot of Florida is already saturated from all the rain this summer so brace yourselves. The aftermath may keep you busy for a while Brian. V is in a pretty vulnerable spot, I'm sure they're packing up and getting ready to go.
I hunkered down through one with around 100mph sustained winds and it was a pretty wild ride. Nearly twice that, no thanks. Some coworkers were sent to work in the aftermath of Andrew, which was similar in strength to Irma, and the pictures they brought back were unbelievable. Palms were about the only trees that survived. Some big long leaf pines with their huge tap roots were still standing, minus tops, limbs and bark. The vast majority of poles and wire (and houses) were gone so they just built all new lines from scratch.
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If power goes out I have a generator for running small stuff but I am not set up to hook it up to the house wiring like at my last house. And it's not big enough to run my central AC anyway. So I just got back from Wal Mart hoping to buy a window AC unit but they were sold out.

Everybody is sold out, except Amazon. :D
They have a 5000 btu unit for $139 and free 1 day shipping or an 8000 btu unit for $239 with free 2 day shipping. Went with the bigger one and it will be here Friday. If I lose power I'm not sleeping in 80 degree heat and 90% humidity. And with the storm packing 180mph winds it's going to knock down a lot of power lines.
I just heard Irma is the strongest hurricane the Atlantic has ever seen, 190 mph winds substained and 220 mph gusts and another named storm coming up behind it. Just hearsay but worth checking out.
The Atlantic is two degrees above normal and the warm waters are deeper than ever recorded. It has the potential to breed a pretty extraordinary storm.
Be safe Brian. Conserve your fuel by keeping your food kept to temp. I run mine couple times a day just to keep a freezer frozen.
I know you probably fueled the trucks, the ac in the diesel was nice to read and relax in. Our nights cool off better here though.
She and John, and all their people, need to be gone from the islands.

Some of us old school born and bred Floridians have been saying for many decades that the best thing for the Keys would be a bad 'cane...scrub all the built up crap off the map there and start over with some better wisdom. But I know that would hurt so many people so badly...