Conibear 110. Peanut butter. Look up a bucket set for coons and modify it to use pvc pipe or sonotube or something. Fire up the grill
Honestly I'm waging war against chipmunks, moles, and mice right now, and I'm winning. With the chipmunks I'm setting a 4 inch pvc pipe there for them to use as a highway with a rat trap in there, no bait, and am doing well. Maybe set a conibear 110 up in a similar fashion. For groundhogs a 220 set over their hole works great, when they come back out it's over. Make sure domestic animals, including kids, can't get to it because it will kill them just as easily. If it's really bad look into the air powered repeater kill traps, or maybe the spinning bucket trap of death. I tried the bucket trap for mice, 10 in one night, but if you don't empty them a couple times a day the water+mice+summer heat=vomit.