Woods walker
I have a dear hope that you mostly youngsters (as there are indisputably some old folks here, and out there in the rest of the treeclimbing world, who will know intimately what I mean here)...that you have even a tiny smidgen of appreciation of the revolutionary effects that these mech./hitch and pure on mech. work positioning devices have brought to our working art.
When you compare what is feasible, practical, and safe these days compared to the limitations we old dogs labored under back in the pre-hybrid SRT days...you should perhaps lay down on your bellies and worship the people who had the vision, the genius to make that vision into a piece of hardware, and the business push, to offer those world-changing products to the rest of us working plebes.
I sure do
When you compare what is feasible, practical, and safe these days compared to the limitations we old dogs labored under back in the pre-hybrid SRT days...you should perhaps lay down on your bellies and worship the people who had the vision, the genius to make that vision into a piece of hardware, and the business push, to offer those world-changing products to the rest of us working plebes.
I sure do