If you like double D cups...major change ahead


Mar 6, 2005
Upnya WV
At Dunkin? Donuts, a thick-walled foam cup keeps your hand cool while your coffee stays hot.

Not for much longer. This week, Dunkin? announced plans to insulate their beverages in a more environmentally friendly way. Beginning this spring, the company will eliminate the polystyrene foam containers they currently use in favor of a new, double-walled paper cup, a move that's expected to remove 1 billion foam cups from waste streams annually.

+1 to both of FFZ's comments

Is it just me or does this seem an unusual thing for ol Bob to post?:/:
While we are on the topic, some people may not know but word is that recycling is not the answer with single use containers like water bottles for example. Reusable containers like Jim illustrated are vastly superior. And styrofoam is bad any way you look at it afaik.
My local DD has been using paper cups since it opened over 20 years ago. Styrofoam had already been banned. We've had the double DD cups since lady summer or fall. The town also banned plastic bags few years ago.
I'm with Jim. Why look for things to pay for? I fill my own water bottle and coffee mug when I leave the house. Saving money and doing the right thing. A no brainer.
I always have a jug of water with me, but sometimes it's hard to resist a DD iced coffee. Never too cold for an iced coffee:

I'm with Jim. Why look for things to pay for? I fill my own water bottle and coffee mug when I leave the house. Saving money and doing the right thing. A no brainer.

Me too, not much choice here though, no corporate coffee chains in rural France.

Lots of peeps in offices/shops have it as part of their routine though.
Nope, that's for drinking outside. When the coffers is gone, I refill the cup from my gallon jug that has a quart of ice in it that comes out of the freezer every morning.
Yea... here, no talking is allowed at Dunkin Donuts and StarBucks.

Not a word!!! And if they catch you leaning against the bar... WATCH OUT!!!
No but there’s a culture of old style sit down/lean against the bar type cafes, where you go in talk to your mates/the bar owner, neck it, and continue on your way.

Most of europe used to be like that. Even the cars had zero cup holders. Vrs the u.s where some vehicles have more cup holders than seats
As I understand it plastic bottle recycling has been a net $ loss most if not all the time. Oil has to spike up way high for it to make financial sense. But, it is what's needed for future generations and a lot of other reasons IMO. And China recently said they were done being our dumping ground (we were sending shiploads over) - changes are coming.

Klean Kanteen makes great bottles. Their insulated units will hold ice for 24 hours or more on hot days and hotter than I can drink for hours.

Merle, I believe recycling in itself is not a sustainable practice.

In fact I think it encourages consumption. Sort of assuages the guilt one should feel after buying a single use product.

I am guilty of buying a bottle water once in a while....but I like to buy the liter size. That way I can take it home and refill it. I get several fills out of it before it gets tossed.

Paper has to be better for the environment than plastic....right?