I (Think/Hope) I Developed A New Hitch Design

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Anyone know if this is already a bend? I've never seen it before and I can't find evidence of it anywhere online, so I'm thinking I just came up with it...which is a little hard to believe because it's so damn simple. It's also incredibly secure all considered. If anyone has any insights, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

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That's kind of neat. Just sitting here playing with it, tension must be maintained or it can shake loose. Not sure where I'd use it. Might be good to repair a shoelace, but it's a little fussier than a sheetbend.
That's kind of neat. Just sitting here playing with it, tension must be maintained or it can shake loose. Not sure where I'd use it. Might be good to repair a shoelace, but it's a little fussier than a sheetbend.
Yeah, it's hardly life support. But it's a quick way to connect two pieces of rope. The two working ends must crossover one another or the knot will collapse. But once it's secure, it stays in place. I put my entire body weight on it and I had no problem (low to the ground). It works better with larger diameter, supple ropes and it's a good idea to have about a foot of tail on both ends. Cyclical loading and unloading might cause it to collapse as you just mentioned. Thanks for the comment.
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I just came up with a way to bury the tails within the construct of the original bend, resulting in something much more secure. It's not particularly pretty (but I kind of like how it looks), but it's mine and I like it. Would I use it over a more well-known bend? Probably not, but it will make for good content for my channel...assuming nobody comes forth and says this has been done before. I'd trust my life to this second version of the bend.

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Here's a better picture of my new bend using two different colored hitch cords. This bend is awesome! I'm definitely hoping this is original, but I'll wait a few days to see if anyone identifies. I want to be able to name it. =-D

What's really interesting is how the base bend finishes with the tails on the same side. But when I secure it by passing them in opposite directions under one of the key strands, the bend then has the tails in opposite directions. It feels unbelievably secure.

Aloha, ya'll!

I'm just popping in to promote the second video in the new SRT Hitch Series that is currently available on my YouTube channel. This second episode is all about SKIB, which stands for Stopper Knot In Back. This is a method for tying eyes for a hitch that @Brocky created and developed. He at one point showed me this tying method via DM and I was so impressed that I asked him if I could create a video for it on my channel...and the rest is history as they say. This method is to be used with a regular length of hitch cord (versus an eye to eye) and, if you're tired of tying a bend to create a loop or Poacher's knots to form eyes, then this quick and easy method is for you! Personally, I still like eye to eyes, but I now use the SKIB almost every time I'm tying a hitch with a regular length of hitch cord. It's so convenient and it keeps the eyes right up close to the hitch for effectively zero setback. Check it out! I think you'll like it!

I can't tell if you're being playful or critical.

However, what I do know is that my allocation of time focused on knot tying is just right.
I was just poking at ya.....class clown I can be at times.
Hence the Yuncks.

It's your thread even..... tie away. :D
Here is the PrecisionSRS 5...

It uses a lot of hitch cord, but it works well with SKIB if you want to economically use your remaining hitch cord to create eyes.

This is an EXPERT level hitch and it requires at least 5.5 feet of 8mm hitch cord (for SKIB) and as high as 6 feet for Poacher's knots on 8mm and for 9-10mm SKIB.

It incorporates a hitch cord leg ring compressed into an aluminum anchor ring. I use a 34mm ring in these images.

Share your thoughts and feelings! If you can afford the hitch cord and if you like SRT hitches, hitches which work "as is" on a single rope without the need for a rope wrench, then this might be something to look into if you have some experience. It requires a lot of dressing and setting, so keep that in mind. Initially, that is. Once it's done, it's done.

I just wanted to get this on here so there's indelible proof that I came up with it first!
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I don't know how you're coming up with some of these. I'm picturing a mad scientist in a dark castle on a stormy night. ;) :)
@Ryan More like mad scientist in dark apartment on sun scorched day or hot as f*ck night haha, but I'm flattered. I'm not really sure how I come up with some of these either. It's like through divine intervention. :D
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Alright everyone! Here you go! I know you've been comping at the proverbial bit for it...here is the discussion/instructional for the PrecisionSRS 5...

Seen here first before being published on YouTube! This won't be published onto YouTube for another four weeks...

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Your clapaway sound didn't line up with the clap in this vid. Cool looking hitch, but excessively complicated imo. Looked like you were getting a little lost in the process at times.
Oh f*ck. The clapaway was all kinds of messed up. How did that happen?! Thanks for letting me know. Here comes another two hours of re-exporting the video and re-uploading it. Crap crap crap! The clap sound was super delayed.

Haha, ugh. It's excessively complicated because it is excessively complicated. I have no argument to combat that claim. I got lost in the process because it's excessively complicated.

I'm glad I uploaded it here first. Thanks for actually watching it, @lxskllr! The video may be down at some point until I replace it with the new version.
Okay, so if you go to the link in my post before this one, with the video, you'll be able to see the edited version which has the clap in it its proper place among other minor edits which have everything aligned as best as possible.

Secondarily, I just published the third installment of the SRT Hitch Series today, which is all about the STICHT hitch, which is @Brocky's creation and the "OG" of SRT hitches in my opinion...the "epitome" as it were. I hope you enjoy the video!

Hey there, everyone!

I hope you are all doing well! Me? I'm getting restless and depressed because every single day is the SAME OLD SHIT as far as the weather is concerned, and in a state where the weather is usually already the same shit every damn day...this is more like "the same old, but much worse shit every single day." I feel like a broken record because I keep harping on this goddamn heat, but that's my reality and it's bringing me down mentally and physically. I am a huge fan of being outdoors. There were many years of my life where I probably spent more time outdoors than inside. I even spent an entire New England winter living in an awesome debris hut that I made inside of Wompatuck state park in Massachusetts. Anyways, you get the picture, I hope. I hate being crammed inside of my apartment all hours of every day, except when I'm walking to the Walgreens nearby or running other errands. But those experiences are hardly satisfactory as far as outdoor time is concerned...what's worse is that it's simply far too hot to even enjoy any time outside. Even at the age of 35, I could easily have a heat stroke or some sh!t like that when it's 115 degrees out; especially in direct sunlight.

TL;DR - F*ck this stupid ass heat wave that never wants to end. It's already been over a month of this sh*1. I just want to go climbing and making content for my channel that isn't just me tying knots and hitches on a table. Ugh. I'm legitimately gaining a lot of weight as well because now I kill time by eating...and I'm not talking about eating whole grains and protein or keto diets. Anyways, my mental health is suffering immensely and I'm trying to make light of it because humor is my greatest coping mechanism. I have a back log now of hitches that need to be tested as well, and so I feel like I can't continue to be creative and develop new hitches until I've passed the hitches I've already created through testing. Not because that actually makes any sense, but because I don't want to overwhelm myself.

TL;DR (shorter version) - F*ck heat. It makes me sad. My diet is bad. Losing all hope. Want to climb, but can't. I want to be outdoors. I love puppies (just throwing that in there).

I swear a lot. Sorry about that. Meh, f*ck it.

Having said all of that, I very well may attempt to make a quick video this afternoon when the big tree closeby sees shade. It will be a really simple video about the benefits of using a loops of paracord to create a prusik to which several throw weights can be attached via a small accessory carabiner to aid a climber in ascending a stationary rope. I just really need to be outside and I'm willing to endure the profuse perspiration.

Now let's talk about one of my latest hitches...the INFINITE hitch. There isn't a lot that needs to be said about it other than that it looks and functions quite well and I have a lot of confidence in it despite having been unable to test it in a live climbing scenario thus far. I would encourage anyone to give this hitch a try. It is very simple and easy to tie and I don't see much binding potential in this one, which is always ideal. It is compact and hand tends readily and easily. Here's is my video for this hitch...

Here is a photo of it...

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Introducing the fourth episode in the SRT Hitch Series, which is all about my PrecisionSRS hitch series and demonstrates how to tie the PrecisionSRS hitches 3 and 4. This video just dropped a few hours ago and I also have a Shorts (60 second or less) video that I made to promote the video which will get dropped tomorrow, but I'll just show you now!

PrecisionSRS Series long form video:

Shorts Advertisement for this episode in the SRT Hitch Series:

Be sure to check these videos out and the full series is available on my channel under "videos" and via the "end screen" at the final 20 seconds of the long form video above. Let me know what you all think! Best regards!
For anyone who was intrigued by my new bend (which I called the SENTINEL bend), here are the Short and full length video links below...

Short form video.

Long form video.

These will be published to my channel in about a week or so.
I'm giving away a brand new 52-inch 8mm Bee-Line Hitch Cord with custom whipped and glued ends. Just comment with #FreeHitchCord in the video below if that excites you. Full rules are in the description.

I don't have a lot to give, but I do have a massive hitch cord collection, so I thought this would be fun.
Aloha friends! =-D

I am here to share with you one of my latest hitch creations...the G-FORCE hitch! This one is similar in some ways to the Synthesis hitch. but they have many differences as well, making this new hitch strikingly unique. Based on what I know about hitches that are currently mainstream and their structures, I am confident (enough) in saying that this hitch represents uncharted territory and is perhaps a complete novel, previously untouched method for tying a friction hitch. I honestly feel confident in saying that I have a few other hitches with structures which were previously unseen and unknown, but I have yet to verify this adequately nor definitively. We'll have to call it speculation for now. but I'll be purusing this notion further and I'll make some enquiries with some individuals who are better equipped to establish a factual accurate conclusion.

Having said that, let's take a look at the G-FORCE hitch. You first have a three wrap coil. The bottom leg forms a circle in front of the rope and then lays between the bottom wrap and itself before going around the back of the rope and up through the ring. The top leg goes down the front of the hitch and must enter the ring before the other leg so that it can go from the right side, into the ring, behind and directly against the rope, and the out the ring to the left of the rope. This hitch can be tied with the other leg closest to the rope, but it is inferior based on my basic testing. However, not by all that much.

I just realized that I got the leg positioning mixed up in the video I was going to share with this post...so now I must remake it. Alas!

Here are a front and reverse image for the G-FORCE hitch...

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In other news, I have decided that I thoroughly enjoy giveaways on YouTube. I'm addicted to creating a custom hitch cord by hand, whipping it perfectly and giving it away to strangers. It costs me time and money, but let's face it, hitch cords aren't that expensive. Some are in the $5+ per foot, but I'm not giving those away. I just bought 4 x 5 foot lengths of four awesome hitch cords (8mm HRC, 9mm RIT Response, 8mm Ocean, 10mm Bee-Line) so that I can work my creative magic on them and give them away to people. But I don't want my channel to turn into a giveaway hotspot, so I'll space them out as best as possible. It's fun and it keeps people engaged and I find it to be highly rewarding knowing that someone is going to make long term use of something I put work into. Anyways, it really didn't cost all that much. If I do a giveaway every other month, that's eight months worth of instant engagement. I hope nobody from some obscure country wins and I have to fork over a ton of money to FedEx or some shit. That's the additional downside cost involved. Oh well. I'll see how this first giveaway goes. I can change the rules next to include only people in the USA, but I feel like that would be shitty. It doesn't cost much to First Class something across the world. USPS covers 156 countries or something like that. I'm blathering, sorry.
So, what's your favorite *looking* hitchcord? I like the 10mm ocean. Creamy yellow kevlar with festive red stripes, and 8mm beeline. It looks like bees!
