This is long overdue. Here is the video for the SYNTHESIS hitch, which I named due to its resemblance to the more well-known and semi-popularized CATALYST hitch. For the uninitiated, "catalyst" is a chemistry term (something I happen to know a lot about) for something that helps to initiate a reaction. So I thought I would up the ante and call mine the "Synthesis" hitch, which basically makes it THE reaction. So yeah, in your face Catalyst hitch. You just got served.
In this video, I discuss the differences between my hitch and the Catalyst hitch just for funzies (yes, I just used that word; deal with it) and, yeah, then I make that hitch disappear and focus on how to tie MY hitch properly since it just as effective. Now you might think this is a big claim...but wait for don't supersaturate yourself in hitch cords, hitches and more hitches the way that I trust and believe that, when I did a side by side, there was zero discernable different. I invite anyone to replicate my test. Granted, I didn't test it MRS, but if you're climbing MRS, there's a good chance you have never used the Catalyst hitch.
Okay, please ignore that I've been too lazy to take a proper thumbnail image for this hitch...relish in its authenticity por favor...
In other news, I've been experimenting with BENDS! Yes, bends, gals and guys (ladies first). I have been experimenting with the TREFOIL knot. Insert Wikipedia explanation here: "In knot theory, a branch of mathematics, the trefoil knot is the simplest example of a nontrivial knot. The trefoil can be obtained by joining together the two loose ends of a common overhand knot, resulting in a knotted loop. As the simplest knot, the trefoil is fundamental to the study of mathematical knot theory."
Here is a mathematical, theoretical trefoil...
Now that you understand, here is the bend I came up with. Keep in mind that it is not taught or well tightened. I've kept it loose so you can see the resemblance to the Trefoil.
Boom! Math can suck it! I just made a bend using a Trefoil. That first part was just me being a dick towards math. I didn't actually do anything mathematically impossible. I deserve some artistic license for this shit. This is probably 50% art. To tie this bend, although it would function beautifully as a knot, is not exactly practical. Look at the first image where I have my green 10mm EpiCord in a "continued" TREFOIL. That's just half of the work. Next you have to trace the working end until it reaches all the ends of the standing parts. It's not realistic. It wouldn't be my go to. But it WORKS! And I'm brave enough to advertise it! People before me were probably like, "yeah, that's useless, let's not focus on that" and I was all like, "yeah, that's useless, so let's waste time on it!" As my compatriots in Boston used to say, "dude, yah wicked smaht and majah pissa, guy." Bean Town, what up? =-D
Comment, por favor. Muchas gracias. Donde esta la biblioteca? Me encantan los animales adorables. ¿No es así? ¿Has traducido esto y te has dado cuenta de que es sólo un montón de basura? Date una palmadita en la espalda por al menos intentar traducir lo que dije. ¿Debo dejar de hablar ahora? Dios los bendiga, señor o señora. El fin.
If you translated that, you're obligated by forum law to self-report on my thread. I won't judge. I'm a verified Fruit Loop.