I (Think/Hope) I Developed A New Hitch Design

  • Thread starter Thread starter Knotorious
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So, what's your favorite *looking* hitchcord? I like the 10mm ocean. Creamy yellow kevlar with festive red stripes, and 8mm beeline. It looks like bees!

Great question! If I had to pick my favorite looking hitch cord, I would have to go with the Veritas in 10mm and 8mm by Yale Cordage and sold exclusively at TreeStuff. I love how they are made from recycled, randomly colored shorts of Polyester. This means that the colors are different every time you buy it. In the image below, I have two 10mm examples and you can see the color difference. I just love the contrast against the earth tone and eggplant colored Technora.


But what about which is my favorite hitch cord based on how it feels in my hand? Well, I would have to say that the Teufelberger EpiCord in 9.3mm and 10mm take the cake for me. Next up with definitely be the Oceans 8mm and 10mm because that texture is pretty enjoyable as well. But golly, not to make it weird, but I often will look for an excuse to experiment with new hitches using the EpiCord. It makes experimenting twice as enjoyable. I apparently get tactile excitement from certain hitch cords more than others and, naturally, some end up getting favored more than others. Although, I make a conscious effort to ensure that I make use of all of my hitch cords for my videos to keep things interesting.

This is long overdue. Here is the video for the SYNTHESIS hitch, which I named due to its resemblance to the more well-known and semi-popularized CATALYST hitch. For the uninitiated, "catalyst" is a chemistry term (something I happen to know a lot about) for something that helps to initiate a reaction. So I thought I would up the ante and call mine the "Synthesis" hitch, which basically makes it THE reaction. So yeah, in your face Catalyst hitch. You just got served.

In this video, I discuss the differences between my hitch and the Catalyst hitch just for funzies (yes, I just used that word; deal with it) and, yeah, then I make that hitch disappear and focus on how to tie MY hitch properly since it is...um...probably just as effective. Now you might think this is a big claim...but wait for it...you don't supersaturate yourself in hitch cords, hitches and more hitches the way that I do...so trust and believe that, when I did a side by side, there was zero discernable different. I invite anyone to replicate my test. Granted, I didn't test it MRS, but if you're climbing MRS, there's a good chance you have never used the Catalyst hitch.

Okay, please ignore that I've been too lazy to take a proper thumbnail image for this hitch...relish in its authenticity por favor...

In other news, I've been experimenting with BENDS! Yes, bends, gals and guys (ladies first). I have been experimenting with the TREFOIL knot. Insert Wikipedia explanation here: "In knot theory, a branch of mathematics, the trefoil knot is the simplest example of a nontrivial knot. The trefoil can be obtained by joining together the two loose ends of a common overhand knot, resulting in a knotted loop. As the simplest knot, the trefoil is fundamental to the study of mathematical knot theory."

Here is a mathematical, theoretical trefoil...
Blue_Trefoil_Knot_Animated.gif Tricoloring_trefoil.png

Now that you understand, here is the bend I came up with. Keep in mind that it is not taught or well tightened. I've kept it loose so you can see the resemblance to the Trefoil.

PXL_20230823_232008090.jpg PXL_20230823_231931618.jpg
Boom! Math can suck it! I just made a bend using a Trefoil. That first part was just me being a dick towards math. I didn't actually do anything mathematically impossible. I deserve some artistic license for this shit. This is probably 50% art. To tie this bend, although it would function beautifully as a knot, is not exactly practical. Look at the first image where I have my green 10mm EpiCord in a "continued" TREFOIL. That's just half of the work. Next you have to trace the working end until it reaches all the ends of the standing parts. It's not realistic. It wouldn't be my go to. But it WORKS! And I'm brave enough to advertise it! People before me were probably like, "yeah, that's useless, let's not focus on that" and I was all like, "yeah, that's useless, so let's waste time on it!" As my compatriots in Boston used to say, "dude, yah wicked smaht and majah pissa, guy." Bean Town, what up? =-D

Comment, por favor. Muchas gracias. Donde esta la biblioteca? Me encantan los animales adorables. ¿No es así? ¿Has traducido esto y te has dado cuenta de que es sólo un montón de basura? Date una palmadita en la espalda por al menos intentar traducir lo que dije. ¿Debo dejar de hablar ahora? Dios los bendiga, señor o señora. El fin.

If you translated that, you're obligated by forum law to self-report on my thread. I won't judge. I'm a verified Fruit Loop.
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I REALLY don't knots that have to be traced. I haven't found one yet that couldn't be replaced by something different with equal or better results. Maybe for something decorative. I made coasters once using some kind of traced construction, but that's different. That's a distinct project. A working knot is just a tool to achieve a goal, and I try not to get pissed off on the way to my goals :^D
I REALLY don't knots that have to be traced. I haven't found one yet that couldn't be replaced by something different with equal or better results. Maybe for something decorative. I made coasters once using some kind of traced construction, but that's different. That's a distinct project. A working knot is just a tool to achieve a goal, and I try not to get pissed off on the way to my goals :^D

Yeah, like I said, it's pretty much shite. I appreciate that you appreciate how shitty it is. If more people would validate me, whether it be a winning idea or total shite, well, then I might be more confident. I don't mind constructive criticism either. Part of truly winning is usually making several losses along the way. Just saying. *cough* ENGAGEMENT *cough* I'm not needy or anything... I just enjoy relevant discussion. =-D
I know a little Spanish, so I translated/guessed at what I could. I didn't run it through a translator for full comprehension.
I know a little Spanish, so I translated/guessed at what I could. I didn't run it through a translator for full comprehension.

Very well, sir. You are not required to self-report. The Bureau of Fictitious Forum Law applauds your honesty. Carry on.
Here's a bend that's new to me (but not my creation) that I am calling the DOUBLE STRAND TRIPLE SHEET BEND...

If any of you are wondering why I'm not posting that much, it's because I was a little too gung ho at first about posting videos on here and now I'm letting my YouTube channel sort of catch up. I only post videos on my channel once or twice a week. Typically one long form video and one short form video related to the long form video, but sometimes unrelated.

In any event, I thought this was a really cool bend with infinite use potential to connect one larger rope to two smaller ropes or to form a sturdy loop out of smaller cordage attached to a larger rope. Not sure when that would be preferable to simply forming a loop knot in the larger rope, but perhaps if you don't have enough slack or if you need to connect the larger rope to hardware with smaller capacity.

As always, I love comments on here. I'd be delighted to discuss anything, even if it's another video I've posted. Thanks! Even if this bend is new to you, too, let me know!

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Interesting looking. Not sure what I'd do with it, but it's easy enough to tie and remember. If the occasion arises, it'll be easy to recall.
If anyone is wondering, I don't think I've come up with any new friction hitches in at least two weeks (tragic, I know), maybe even a month. I have so many on back log for YouTube and I believe I've shown you all of the videos for the hitches that are newer. I think there are a few hitches that I posted pictures of recently that I haven't updated with the video on here yet. I'll get onto that maybe tomorrow or at some point soon. I know that there are probably around a dozen hitches in total on this thread that I haven't even made videos for to put on my channel; usually because they are very complicated. I also have roughly 50 more hitches archived as images on my phone which only one third of them show any promise for becoming hitches that I would post on my channel. So, at the moment, I'm disinclined to play around and try to make new hitches since I have so much back log. However, I could become inspired at any moment. I'm feeling unlike myself the last few weeks, and I don't thnik it is a coincidence that my unusual manner has occurred in lockstep with my sudden decreased enthusiasm for friction hitch creation.

I try to be as candid as possible with what's going on with me and how that affects my behavior on this thread that I've created. In roughly a month, this thread will have been up for a year and I invite anyone and everyone to participate in the discussion. I realize that this forum can sometimes be a seemingly unwelcoming place for the beginner considering it is predominantly visited and used by experts. However, I have never claimed to be an expert...but I know a huge amount about arborist style climbing and I know more about friction hitches than most professional climbers who use them and I don't think anyone here would say that is hyperbole.

Getting to my point: If you are new, then welcome! You don't have to be a pro to get pro advice and you don't have to be a pro to give pro level advice. Let's not forget that every professional arborist on here once began as a beginner who knew fuckall about climbing and trees. If you have any questions about anything whatsoever, nobody on here is going to give you a hard time. I think everyone here will welcome you with open arms (unless they don't have arms) and explain to you anything you want to understand better. Don't be afraid to be afraid to ask a stupid question...there are no stupid questions if you're asking them sincerely, with a desire to better educate and elucidate yourself on anything related to trees or tree climbing. While this may seem common sense, I feel as thought this forum can be intimidating for a lot of people who see a congregation of experts or experienced individuals talking expertly continuously. It is for this reason that I am going on this rant.

Now that I've established a blatantly obvious, welcoming environment for my thread for the third time, but with different language, let's take a look at my new segment on my channel...


It's a new series I have, but haven't yet posted, where I take "NO NAME" knots from various other YouTube channels that I cannot, personally, identify and which deserve a name...because the channels I got them from FAIL to name them. Like, WHAT?! Why and how could you post a "how to tie" video for a knot and have a title like "Noose Knot You Should Know!!" or "BEST Loop Knot EVER!" and/or where they have miscategorized or misnamed the knot entirely. So even though I'm effectively doing the same thing, my goal is to get a comment from somone who knows the actual name of this knot and I require some form of proof (whether a video or a link to a JPEG showing tying steps). If anyone can name the knot correctly (after I publish the video to my channel), I'll change the title of the video to reflect the correct name.

So here is the first video in a potentially endless series. I already have four other videos made a ready. Sadly, if you guess it correctly on this thread, I cannot and will not change unless, after posting it to YouTube, you comment on the video with an answer and the proof. This series is, in small part, about interacting with my viewers, so it wouldn't make sense to have a proper name before publishing it to my channel. Am I making sense? But feel free to play along for imaginary points for now.

If you read ALL of this, then you must actually think I'm worth existing and I salute you. =-D

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I guess you looked in ABoK, right? That hitch looks like something. Seems like it would be one of the oldie but goodies.
I guess you looked in ABoK, right? That hitch looks like something. Seems like it would be one of the oldie but goodies.
I was intentionally lazy on these knots for this series. Not to sound full of myself, but if I don't recognize that knot by heart, most people won't either...that's more personal experience than a baseless claim. There's a reason they call me Knotorious, sir! It's not a stage name, it's an identity haha Anyways, the whole point of the series to get engagement from viewers. I'm not actually, personally, all that concerned with the answer until I publish the video...and then my viewers can get to show off their knowledge and it's just a fun little video concept. I'll give credit to the winner, etc.

In other news, here's my latest experience with a troll. I know I told you, @lxskllr that I'd be super chill the next time I get trolled (which isn't very often), but I'm not a lil' bitch, to put it anything but politely haha Enjoy my harsh burns in response to this guy. It's not the first time I've been accused of being a "sofa climber," and the accusation almost always is based solely on the fact that all of my gear is impeccably clean...because I'm a hobbyist and I also clean every thing I use, whereas a production climber...there's absolutely no point in cleaning your harness (probably your hardware, though) except maybe every six months. I also don't usually have saw dust and whatnot grinding into my harness. It was also brand new in the lower video. I just am OCD and think it makes inspection a lot easier. As a result, I look like a newbie with Daddy's credit card haha But I am anything but that. Anyways, I don't think they can demonetize me for anything I say in the comments, so unless you're offering genuine, accurate, constructive criticism...if you're just being a dick...then be so at your own risk on my channel. I'm a super kind person towards anyone who constructively tears me apart, and it's happened -- but this is uncalled for and so he had to get verbally accosted in return. Well, "had" is probably the wrong word. I felt morally obligated to stand my ground. I blocked the guy's username in the image because I'm not a total asshole. Some creators outright name-call.

Shit Talking Commenters 1w.png
I just realized that guy said "overcomplication" and, yeah, the method was overcomplicated. But how does that mean I can't climb? Some people's kids. I'd better edit my burn.
And then there's this, @CurSedVoyce I couldn't resist.

Shit Talking Commenters 3w.png
I love trolls. They never reply back. I can't figure out why haha I just removed "asshat" for safety (protecting my channel) reasons haha
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This is one of the videos the guy commented on where he said I could only climb sofas even though I was clearly giving solid advice for the beginner climber (you could also use a chainsaw as a counterweight) and visibly climbing like someone who knows what the f*ck they're doing. Why are people so stupid? I think he just didn't like my Ukrainian support shirt haha just kidding. I can't even fathom why some people are such dumbasses. The best part is that they actually think they'll hurt my feelings. Boo hoo, so go shovel shit against the tide.

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@CurSedVoyce Sorry, somehow missed you post until now. That sounds good, too. There's a bunch of different ways it can be done. Sometimes I use the excess rope to tie a heaving line knot and use that as a weight then just pull it up and untie it at height. It's a great opportunity to place a redirect if you need one out of the gate.

Here's a video for a hitch that I showed a page back that I have called the G-FORCE hitch...because physics related names just sound cool. Enjoy...or don't. 'Merica!

You can also coil the tail of the rope and suspend it just above the ground for weight..
The less you tie or whatever to the tail of your rope, the better. In a working situation, you want to lose that weight and biner etc off your rope as soon as possible in case you need to swing, limb walk or redirect your ropes tail.
You can also coil the tail of the rope and suspend it just above the ground for weight..
The less you tie or whatever to the tail of your rope, the better. In a working situation, you want to lose that weight and biner etc off your rope as soon as possible in case you need to swing, limb walk or redirect your ropes tail.

A Heaving Line Knot is basically a more organized coil. They can put a lot of twists in your tail, so I usually create a hybrid between it and a regular coil. It's probably better just to coil like you say with a slipped release, but I'm a sucker for old timey knots and a coil isn't actually a knot hehe I heart knots!

Another way to do it would be to connect some throw weights to a hand ascender or chest ascender. I always have one or the other on me during a climb in case I flip and need a good grip on the rope to haul something up or if i need to create a mechanical advantage or need simple progress capture at 4kN or less. The chest ascender can be grasped like a hand ascender. In any event, just click one onto a rope and attach some weights and you're good to go.

Heaving Line Knot.jpg
I can usually lose the weight (12-14 oz) within the first 12-15 feet of climb with my ascenders. That's usually enough rope for weight below me with my kit as that would be rope and kit specific.
Here's a video I made many moons ago about how to adjust friction while using a Figure 8 descender device. This is the quintessential device for canyoning, alpine style climbing, caving and rock climbing and, occasionally, even arborists will carry a compact Figure 8 on their harness as a backup for rappel should their primary multicender, etc. fail them. I cover a wide variety of methods for adjusting friction on the aforementioned Figure 8 device. Please check it out if you do any of the activities listed as a hobby or if you, too, carry a Figure 8 for backup rappel.

How does this relate to the theme of this thread? Well, naturally, the theme of this thread is to promote friction hitches and so the Figure 8, being a friction hitch in essence, is naturally going to coalesce nicely with this thread. Also, it's my thread, and I do whatever the f*ck I want to promote my channel and my creations. Don't get it twisted, Knotorious does what he wants. Haha, I say that jokingly...but with sincerity. Riddle you that! Sorry, I have issues like tissues; you pull one out and another one pops up. I'd like to think my insanity is entertaining, though, because very few people are as vocally adventurous as I am (personal opinion), which isn't always a good thing. But I digress...
