gf beranek
Old Schooler
Inquiring minds want to know... how many iterations have you come up with so far?
Great advice. Honestly, at first, I posted a new video as soon as I made it and uploaded it. At one point, I was making a new video almost every day because I had nothing else to do. But now I do pace myself as best as I can. I typically will post one long form video and one to two Shorts (less than 60 sec) every week. I have bunch of videos just sitting on my channel that are ready to be published when I am ready. This makes running a channel pretty stress free because I always have an abundance of new content ready to go. But you are absolutely right, I had been going way too quickly. I had never run a channel before and I soon realized "at this rate, I'll run out of content in a year or two and then what?" So now I try to exhibit Zen-like patience and impulse control, with the latter being a major weakness of mine. I tend to find hobbies that I love and then go absolutely crazy, learning everything there is to know, and performing whatever hobby it is until I burn out. I've had more hobbies than most people and while this has transformed me into a master of many, many things, it also results in me losing interest and then moving to the next thing to obsess over. I don't want that to happen with my channel or with my pursuit to discover as many new hitches as possible. I think I've achieved a good balance and, thus far, I've managed to remain in control and the thought of anything related to tree climbing becoming "burnt out" is one that I consider to be absurd. But you never know. The primary concern is running out of content for my channel. It would be a real shame if my channel started to take off hugely (relatively speaking; expectations are realistic) and I ran out of new hitches and new, quality content. All is good at the moment, and I think my schedule is pretty sound. I actually schedule the videos to publish themselves as much as a month in advance, keeping me from impulsively disrupting the schedule.That's a little too fast I think. Pace yourself. Maybe one new video a week max. That gives your subscribers something to look forward to, and keeps some material in reserve for weeks you don't have time, or don't feel like doing anything.
Thanks for the insight. If you Google the name I used for this rope (Yale Kernmaster Phantom 11mm), this is how most vendors classify it. I also think the "Phantom" aspect of my description definitively separates it from regular Kernmaster as being a subset of that original rope series. I also think knowing that "I want the pink version of this rope that's shown in these videos with that specific pattern" is a useful insight to have as well, versus the original series Kernmaster or the original Yale Kernmaster Phantom pattern in green. If I had removed "Phantom" from the name I used, then it most definitely would be ambiguous. I'm not saying you're wrong. Maybe I don't understand what you're getting at.I'd be very specific naming the rope, cause there can be similar names with a different construction. That's Kernmaster Special Static, Phantom pattern, which has a polyester core, as opposed to Kernmaster which has a nylon core.
Aaaaaah, okay! But doesn't Phantom, by default, only apply to one type of Kernmaster? Or are you saying that companies will recycle patterns to use with various different underlying rope types? I sure hope they don't.Regardless of the rest of what I typed, "Phantom" is just a pattern, and patterns come and go. Delete that, and you're left with the singular "Kernmaster". That isn't specific enough to cover all the types of Kernmaster.
I like it. It flows off of the tongue like an undercooked piece of spaghetti! Mama Mia! We might have a winner! *bows as if accepting a highly favorably idea from a Chinese emperor*Mono tresse?
I am hardly deterred! I appreciate your honest response and I appreciate that you took the time to share your opinion at all. Let's face it: The vast majority of people have no need for any of the hitches I'm creating. But I have a personal goal of developing/originating as many hitches that "could have been" as I possibly can. If you aren't excited about it, that's okay. I'm simply looking to poll many of my early influencers on their current perspectives about what I'm doing, so as to add value to this thread. Thanks again! Sometimes I won't always hear what I want to hear and being comfortable with that willl make me stronger and more aware.I'm glad you have this thing to focus on, to enjoy, and to stimulate your brain. But with no offence intended, I find it all a bit over the top for myself.
I have several hitches that I've used to good effect in several applications for a long time. I don't need a new hitch in my now little used toolbox, being retired from the game and just taking care of my small acreage and the odd favor for a friend.
So I basically don't do anything beyond quickly scanning your photos anymore. And that is surely not worthy of input, invaluable or otherwise.
Carry on, please! Don't let my lack of enthusiasm slow you down one iota.