There you go again, jamming that religious talk down our throats. 

Who’s that aimed at?
... it’s probably less biblical than what’s going on due to Florence atm.
Mick, I'm gonna have to agree with Sean here that wear and tear is real. As is the costs of working so far from the house and working that many hours. We were talking about it at work, and we have decided that we can tell who has actually been working for longer than a decade in construction by how they walk and move. The guys who are new to it walk around with a purpose, thinking that walking fast will speed them up. Experienced guys walk with a slight hitch in their step because of wear and tear, and don't move too fast, because they don't care to. They get their speed by thinking ahead and knowing all the tricks to do the task with as little effort as possible. They also can work continuously all day every day, because they have figured out the pace that allows that.