Woods walker
On the chocolate wagon...hard row to hoe
I had to be clean to keep my Fed authorized firearm use status, as a USFS employee. Random piss draw, only 2 hours max to respond, or you're concluded guilty. Of course, it was often over 2 hours to get my ass to the testing clinic in downtown Portland from my usual field work sites...
Arguments did occur, as I recall. I sat on the sidelines, there. My boss fought those battles, thank goodness.
But be that as it may...any drugged or drunk fool driving a USFS 3/4 ton pickup could so much more easily have killed multiple people in moments than I ever could have with my Winchester bolt action rifle; 5 round clip, .22-250 heavy target barrel for cone sampling/scion collecting. No drug tests for the regular employees...only those ones with the dangerous firearms authorization

I had to be clean to keep my Fed authorized firearm use status, as a USFS employee. Random piss draw, only 2 hours max to respond, or you're concluded guilty. Of course, it was often over 2 hours to get my ass to the testing clinic in downtown Portland from my usual field work sites...

But be that as it may...any drugged or drunk fool driving a USFS 3/4 ton pickup could so much more easily have killed multiple people in moments than I ever could have with my Winchester bolt action rifle; 5 round clip, .22-250 heavy target barrel for cone sampling/scion collecting. No drug tests for the regular employees...only those ones with the dangerous firearms authorization