Will do!
It's gonna be awhile before anything happens. The wood I walked over for to see if they wanted me to do the work is still there. The way my boss explained it, they wanted the downed wood removed that was pushed up against the woodsline by some numpty. They wanted *much* more done than that, and that pushed up wood, the most visible part of the job, is still there. By the time it's done. it'll be a full log truck worth of wood removed.
I wanted to work on the stuff in the woods first. Both as proof of concept for dealing with the wood, and to clean things up so I could skid wood out while staying off the grass. The climbing, if it's done at all, will be last. Personally, if it were my property, I'd leave the snags as habitat trees. None of them will hurt anything if they fall, and they aren't gonna do anything interesting with the space anyway. The woman said she wants to put a cow in there. That's insane. It isn't any more than 1ac, and the whole lot isn't that much ground. Might be a 3ac parcel altogether, and that's house/lawn/human stuff...
I selectively cut around some of the trees. I've left a locust, and a couple walnuts, some cherries... That isn't what they wanted, but we'll see if they ignore/forget about it. Since the cow's a dumb idea, maybe they'll enjoy the hardwood replacement of the white pine grove. If not, I can remove them later. I'm hoping they'll stay.