Got it Bad? Think About JR


Jul 28, 2007
Gilmanton, N.H.
When I think about the pain from my recent elbow surgery, I think about JR Salzman. For those of you guys who follow the Timbersport Series, you know about his great log rolling skill and what he went through serving his country. The guy's an inspiration to me for sure. For those of you who haven't heard about him, check out the link below.
Yeah, that is nuts. We just did a lacrosse tournament, Sticks for Soldiers, to benefit badly wounded vets. Last year it was for the only guy to have lost parts of all 4 limbs. Just mighty hard to fathom. It was nice to be able to do something to provide some financial help to these guys.
I have a lot of thoughts about a situation like Mr. Salzman's, having a long time close friend that lost both his arms at the shoulder when a teenager. People might recall my mentioniong him before, how he has overcome the adversity. A fantastic guy, funny as hell, who sometimes really pisses me off. :lol: