Whoops, forgot the code! My bad.
How about gypoclimber
CARTEL - an association of suppliers with the purpose of maintaining high prices and restricting competition - Example: Columbian drug cartels
...and tx, although your theories are well versed, they're as static as the most partisan political argument. There is no "association of arborist suppliers" out here trying to keep prices high as implied, rather a completely disconnected patchwork of mom & pop regional players being elbowed aside by the occasional "price slasher" who, and you can mark my words on this, if successful at growth, will eventually raise prices and lower quality.
If this meets with cynicism, I would encourage you to apply your theory to the average tree service adjusting price in order to keep good customers. Have you never had a customer request you meet a competitor halfway? What arborist is going to let every underbidding, uninsured chainsaw hack beat them out of their best client(s) over a meager percentage point? Because if so, and if we all did, the country would dry up of quality tree care, and, in time substandard would become the rule rather than the exception. SherrillTree stands behind very strong pricing and has for years. Will competitors sharp-shoot targeted items?
I'll hope for reason.