One thing my doc said is that I would be suprised at the amount of cats that are goin' gluten free, or gluten reduced diets. He was right. A lot more cats are doin' it than I expected.
As far as beer goes... Even bud has amounts of malted barley. The rice is used to add fermentable sugars and starches but provide no flavor or color to the beer. That's whay American style Light Lagers are so pale yellow and flavorless.
I brew my own beer (I should prolly start another thread on it. Butch likes new threads

), and there are products on the market where I can brew with regular malted barley and also make it
ALMOST gluten free. Which is good for me, since I only have an intolerance to it, and not an allergy to it. A normal American style Light Lager only has about 3 ppm of gluten per 12 oz. in it anyway. An American style Pale Ale has maybe 8 ppm gluten per 12 oz. So unless you have a serious allergy to it... you can pretty much drink any beer.
Even Oatmeal can have trace amounts of gluten in it. Mainly because most oatmeal is processed in plants where wheat flour is made. So most Celiacs can't eat oatmeal. I am fine with oatmeal. It's what I now use for a binder in my meatloaf recipie instead of bread crumbs.
I'm gonna have to try the salt thing. My wife and I bought some Hawaiian Volcanic Sea salt in Maui when we got married and brought it home. Might have to switch over to that instead of the stuff from Morton (table salt)