Freebie giveaway drawing


Woods walker
Mar 7, 2005
Western Oregon
I have in my possession two 75' refills for Spenser logger's tape. I rescued them from the dumpster after they were pitched by somebody down in the pre-sale shop. We always use tapes marked in tenths of a foot/tenths of a tenth for forestry mensuration work, and I suppose these were ordered wrong, as they are in inches/8ths of an inch. They also are marked with DBH measurements on the opposite side of the tape.

If you are interested, post up and I'll do a drawing after a few days, probably the first part of next week.

Shipping on me, anywhere in the TH world :).

I'll draw two names, as I have two refills...unless there is little interest. Remember, 75 footers...won't fit the more standard 50' Spenser body. I hope someone out there can use them.


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  • #4
You'd have to drill a new mount hole Brendon, and the tape is easy to tear if you mess about modifying that hole...but I have done it and it's certainly possible. So long as you don't wind it out to the extreme end after you mount it up, it will work pretty well. For that matter, you have to watch out for that even with a stock refill.

No big deal so far as reloading it.
Can you imagine the yelling and screaming at the mill if I started bucking logs into foot-lenghts:lol:
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  • #6
Yes...I rather thought there'd be little interest from the metric measurement parts of the planet :).
As for modifying the hole. Don't you have repair kits for those tapes?

They make a nifty little rivet tool and some microscopical rivets for it.

There is a hole punch on the tool.
While we are on it. I just know feet and inches. How does 8ths and 10ths come into it?

I cut my logs 8, 10, 12 ' plus 6 inches for trim.

Probably a dumb question.
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  • #9
These tapes are marked just like your normal carpentry measuring tape, there are 12 inches per foot and each inch is divided into 1/8th of an inch demarcations. Some places, this is a normal measurement for forestry purposes, but the FS and many other resource management companies, uses a goofy amalgamation of sae and metric...feet are divided into 10ths of a foot, and each tenth is further divided into tenths (or call it 100ths of a foot) :|:. These tapes are NOT of that type, hence not usable by me and my co-workers..

If you are cutting to a length without finding out what the specific mill you plan to sell to wants at that specific time, you probably are shooting yourself in the foot. Here, anyway, it changes all the time based on market forces.
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  • #10
We have said repair kits, Stig. But I'm not offering one of those up in this deal :D. In truth, I've found the repairs are usually so short lived as to make them near a waste of time over simply replaceing the refill. But if you break a new tape, I guess it's worth doing, until you lose patience with the microscopic bits and pieces :).
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  • #12
Noooo...those breaks are just for forestry type scaling, growth rate measurements, and such. What I meant is if you are bucking mill logs to 10's, 12's, 14's plus trim without knowing what the mill wants today, you may be hurting the potential price your logs can bring.

Here, one month 32's may be higher value than 36's, or you might do better breaking a potential 32' log down into 16's...all market driven. Just means a guy needs to do his homework/research before he bucks.
I'd like in, I can only seem to find tenths with a diameter on the back and i'd really like one of dem der ones you got please:)
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  • #15
OK, Willie, you are in, and the odds are exceptionally good for you as things currently stand :D.
I'd also be interested, and thank you Burnham! I don't need the 75', but I'd sure like to be able to say DBH properly! I think I can pick up a cheap 100' tape at Lowe's and fit this inside it. Sure sounds good at least?
Burnham: I'd gladly be entered into the drawing. I've got an old Craftsman carpentry reel that will fit it.
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  • #19
You're in too, Jed.

I ought to put my foot down and insist that the recipient actually have a Spenser tape, but I suppose I'll let my standards slacken up this time around. :D
Dang, there's a world beyond the foot? If you never carried three bucking cards and bucked to species and grade by stem diameter the whole thing about bucking to measure starts becoming lost in translation. It can get F'n crazy out in the woods about measure.

Will there ever be a true standard?
I've had supposed cut cards that were more like a pamphlet. I used to get so damn confused sometimes on what I was supposed to buck.
It gets ludicrous in the wood with demands on log measurement. It can change daily. Got to the point on a couple of jobs I just bucked to 2 foot mult's and took the reprimands with a grain of salt. and the icing was, the sort on the landing threw a double whammy in it.

In all of it I can honestly say that,, I have never been more than a foot off trim on any log I have ever bucked in my life. And every other man that has ever bucked a log to measure can say the same damn thing.