I will say one thing. Holmen and I weren't even talking apples to apples here. The flap on my pants in 1-2". He said, and the ben meadows link shown show flaps that are like 4-6". Those are 2 totally different things.
Tucker, a few points:
1-I'm not going to spend my time going back to check, but I don't think I ever said he doesn't know what he's talking about. What I mean to imply can be summarized is as such, "Wow. That's cool. I've never heard that. I'm interested in learning more. Do you have any references that I could turn to in this regard?" to which he replied, "No little boy. STFU sit down and let the big boys talk."
2- This has nothing to do with logging. Anyone who works outdoors in the cold doing ANY physical labor would benefit from this knowledge.
3- Telling you to frig off does make me feel better. I can tell that you're latched on to your position of me being a novice at all of this and therefore I can't know what I'm talking about. It's frustrating. I've previously done research on what the flap was for and through hours of research never got a straight answer from any seller or maker of these pants. That's all this is about.
4- You are correct. There are many aspects to tree work that I bring up here and the house does a great job of nudging me in the right direction. I think I have a weird path in the tree world in that I've done the work since 2001, but until last year have never purchased a chainsaw, never done any engine maintenance on any saws, chippers, stump grinders, chipper trucks, bucket trucks etc, though I've used all that equipment. So, from your perspective, it would look like I have NO CLUE about running a tree service. But ask the guys on my crew. We can go days on the job sites without ever even using a chainsaw. So really, it's not a big deal for us. Frankly, I could just throw away the chainsaws that die and buy new ones and it'd be fine and dandy...but that would be dumb. So yes, I do thank you for all you guys do for me. But don't take it to mean I don't know what I'm doing. My company is doing just fine. We have 3 certified arborists on staff and we do GREAT work that our clients are SUPER happy with and we make decent money. (well- the company doesn't make money, but the employees do!). I have a half-decent idea what I'm doing here and what I'm talking about. No, I'm not an ice-road logger.