Courant Koala harness info?


Sep 23, 2010
Just wondering if anyone is using the courant Koala harness and could provide some feedback? I'm on the hunt for a new harness this season and it's on the list along with the treerex harness.

Currently using the TM but it's nearing it's life end. I've never really been too keen on it, so won't purchase another Tree Motion.
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Ya. It caught me eye as well. Just haven't heard much about it. Seems like it's been around for awhile.
Can't personally comment on the Koala other than to say it's a big hit with the Instagram arbs I follow but since you mention it holy shit is the TreeRex amazing. I'd absolutely recommend the treerex to any and everyone! Coming from TM's and Sequoia's it's bar none the greatest saddle I've ever flew in!