Floating Dee Wide Back Saddle from Weaver

  • Thread starter Thread starter erikthered
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Some of the newer Weavers are using black anodized aluminum D's. I'm not a fan of those but they are probably fine. I think the Buckinghams D's are still steel. Just something to consider.

BTW, welcome Erik! :)
Ftr, I'm a 4D guy and love it. Pinnacle. Comfy as heck.
I ball out in a Master Classic. I dont think its the best, I know its not the worst, but when I get in it I make a sweet music comfortably.

Recently, a young man in my area got in a pinch financially and was selling his climbing gear. Petzl seqouia saddle, buck titanium climbers with velcro wrap pads, 2 micro grabs, several lanyards, 10 assorted aluminum beaners, petzl vertex vent, pantin, hand ascender, port a wrap 3, 2 port a wrap slings, buckingham gear bag, 2 brand new forestry helmets, throw line with 3 bags.........
$600 obo.
That never made any sense to me. If you sell or pawn the tools you need to make a living, then how do you expect to earn the money to replace them? The only time I could see it is if you had a life altering event and you never ever plan on ever climbing another tree in your life. That would be like me selling my bucket truck because I needed money to pay my mortgage. Quite a short sighted approach IMO.
Or if you are shootin scag.

He told me he got into tree climbing but its "just to much, and not enough time". That to me says I'm trying to score some heroin before I get dope sick. Putting that much money worth of unused stuff up on Craigslist and desperate to sell it on the spot for whatever you can get by the end of the day. Maybe he needed bill money quickly. But in my experience, tree guys pawning gear for pennies usually goes hand in hand with addiction.
I use a master classic as well, but I do find that with a lot of pull on the side Ds, it tends to pinch. Not sure what the deal is. The first or second time I rode the hook I didn't know better and had my lanyard hooked to the side Ds, swinging around knocking off limbs, and it was something excruciating until back down to the ground. I didn't complain or indicate to get lowered, 'cause i wanted to do it successfully so I would get asked to do it more. Crazy......
Wow all that gear for $600 WTF, that definitely sounds like crack money is needed. That is what is my main climbing gear, except that I got a treemotion as a backup to the sequoia. That shite cost a bundle to get shipped down to this little ole island. Back to the thread I started on a floating D weaver with steel D's, and after it was broken in it was pretty good but I would not go back, the newer saddles are way more comfy and low profile not to mention the added advantage of body positioning with a rope bridge, changed the sequoia webbing bridge with Globe 3000 which is tough as nails and a perfect bridge material ( doubled fishermans to gold rings ). Spend the extra cash and be done, it will pay for itself by keeping ya comfy up in da tree. IMG04048-20120615-0931.jpg