Fishing 2017

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Fantastic fishing adventure and pics Ray!!...that squally pic is wild!!

I like Jays idea of a sushi
A new more affordable one is just about to open up in my town next month, the revolving plate style. The only other one is the more expensive order and someone brings it to you type. Bigger pieces of fish in the earlier place, known for that. Some say too big.
Fantastic fishing adventure and pics Ray!!...that squally pic is wild!!

I like Jays idea of a sushi
Thanks Scott. Adventure is what makes memories isn't it? This time of year squalls are pretty much a daily occurrence in the Gulf. Surprisingly we saw no waterspouts this week, which usually accompany them. They can be intimidating, but are pretty slow moving in comparison to land based tornadoes. The danger comes when you get inside the squall and visibility goes to near zero and you can't see them. Keeps you on your toes.
Ray, do you use a positioning device to find the harbor if necessary? If so, do you find it useful for relocating fish hangouts?
Most definitely Jay. We found some great looking spots on sonar on the way home, marked them as waypoints and will be able to get right back on them. Plotting a course on the gps saves time and gas because you're running a straight line to and from. Technology has it's good and bad points. Back in the days BT (before technology), running by compass, you'd never be able be able to find the same spot again. Bad for us, good for the fish.
I've wondered if it's common for fish to frequent specific spots repeatedly. I suppose that would mainly apply to fish that like it down in the rocks.
Jay, it's true not just for bottom fish like grouper and snapper, but pelagics like tuna, mackerel, wahoo and the like also orient to structure like wrecks and coral. Baitfish gather on these places and it's all about food for the pelagics.
I got to take my Pastor out for a little while this morning. We had a pretty hard east wind coming off the storm in the Gulf and had to hunt for calm water. Everything is muddied up and fishing was tough but we managed to scrap up a few in spite of the conditions.
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Good eyes V! That gal knows her fish. Gotta love those tripletail, they're not too smart, but man are they good to eat.
I like it Jay. He's given me a lot of fish and bread too.
Youngster pastor there Ray!...looks like hes having a good time and recharging for next sermon ;)

What depth you catching at?
Ray, I can't believe all the fish that you and your friends catch. Are commercial guys or many other fisherman hitting those waters? I mean all those large beautiful Red Snappers, c'mon!
You're right Scott. A lot of wisdom and knowledge in a young package. We fished from depths of a foot to about eighteen feet today. You could've sight cast your fly to a big school of redfish in a foot or so of water 20 feet off the beach and had a blast. I don't know if that fancy rod would hold up to a bull redfish though;)

Jay, there are some commercial fishermen that absolutely slaughter the red snapper. They can keep any size fish and you'd think they would decimate them but the snapper seem to be very resilient. We caught these fish today in the bay and released many small snapper. I had never seen a red snapper in the bay until just a few years ago and now they are everywhere, who knows why, maybe global warming or maybe Trump's to blame, but whatever the cause, I like it.
Finally got a day on the water, tried out my buddies fancy new boat and got him into a couple nice steel. Boat rows real nice