Fishing 2014

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When I visited Saskatchewan and did some fishing, the amount of water in streams was very impressive. A boat in good shape is essential in those serious waters.
Our fishing lodges NEED you Americans to come back. Fish populations are at record highs and lodges are closing down as we speak.

Since the U.S. economy crash and the Canadian dollar becoming close to or even with the U.S. dollar our Canadian fishing lodges are having a very hard time staying in business.
The pics I showed of my local guided fishing trip at Cormorant Lake Lodge that day only 2 guides and boats went out that day.
Owner Dave Vander Meer told me when times were good he had 20 boats with 20 guides going out every day with U.S. fishermen 7 days a week 6 months of the year.
Even us locals guys had a hard time to register because the lodges were over booked with U.S. fishermen year after year. So we had to buy our own boats and learn on our own to find the hot fishing spots and do the dirty work.
We need Canada to be concrete and clear on it's DUI policy. As I understand it, Canada undid its block on dui offenders and US citizens with one offence are allowed in. There's a TON of fear and uncertainty on our end here in the states. Here's why. A lot of sportsmen have a guy in the group that got a DUI at some point in life. We understand that Canada doesn't want riff raff and crime. Good idea. But, take a group of 5 guys all in their 50s. Family men. The harmless type that get together each year for 20 years to go fish walleye and pike somewhere. Ron, who is diabetic and doesn't even drink these days, got a DUI 20 years back. Where it hurts Canada is that they didn't lose Ron, they lost his whole fishing group because they don't want to hurt Ron's feelings and leave him behind. So they go to Wisconsin.

American sportsmen have been filled up with horror stories of getting turned around at the border. I heard Canada took a had hit over this and temporarily undid the law? I'm not 100% clear. Long story short, US sportsmen are unsure and scared of grumpy border agents. This isn't a shot at Canada at all. Just relaying the uncertainty that has caused a lot of guys to pull back. I'm dying to fish Canadian walleye and hunt caribou. I'm worried because I got a DUI when I was a kid. I don't even drink anymore but don't want to make a downpayment and run into confusion at the border. A lot of our sportsman aren't internet savvy enough to figure out exactly what Canada is and isn't allowing in currently. They go on what they heard at a BBQ. It's a crippler for Canadian outfitters because they don't just lose the DUI convict, they lose his whole group that go together.
Chris I don't know enough about the subject. I do know my son in law had a DUI about 10 years ago and he was able to go to Las Vegas last winter.
Email Cormorant Lake Lodge owner Dave Vander Meer with my above attachment or better yet phone him at 204 357 2171 and I'm sure he can give you all the information you need.

And when you do come up to Manitoba don't stop at the southern Manitoba warm water algae filled slough lakes.....come up here to the north end of the province and taste cold clear water walleye like you never tasted before.
One of this weeks little brown trout from the beck below my house. Taxing to catch on a small dry fly, but rewarding.


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Chris I don't know enough about the subject. I do know my son in law had a DUI about 10 years ago and he was able to go to Las Vegas last winter.
Email Cormorant Lake Lodge owner Dave Vander Meer with my above attachment or better yet phone him at 204 357 2171 and I'm sure he can give you all the information you need.

And when you do come up to Manitoba don't stop at the southern Manitoba warm water algae filled slough lakes.....come up here to the north end of the province and taste cold clear water walleye like you never tasted before.

Thank you for the good advice! I will store that number. Maybe next spring or summer. This year I am out of the game at this point.
Thank you for the good advice! I will store that number. Maybe next spring or summer. This year I am out of the game at this point.
Chris , I can get you and your buddies to enjoy your fishing trip up here in northern Manitoba, Canada.
I was at Carpenters Lodge doing treework today just 20 minutes drive from my house and I asked owners Jim and Susan what can be done for your predicament .
Here's what they gave me, they said it sometimes is not cheap but you will get into Canada.

Check out Carpenters Lodge's website, beautiful well run lodge on the 2nd clearest lake in the world[1st is in southern Siberia, 3rd is in Switzerland].


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Carpenter's are the elite lodge up here, been in business since the 1940's.
If I'm not mistaken the previous owners started in the '20s.
Rustic ,comfortable and many fishing tales........
Very nice Jim. Success isn't measured by numbers or size, it's measured by the smiles on your kid's faces and the memories you made.
Levi caught his first trout this year....
My cousin Bob wanted to go fishing while he was up here. Levi was the only kid of mine not "in camp" yet, so he obliged.
Bob and his dad used to take me fishing as a kid on their boats. Little family tradition...


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