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I just added a box wedge to my splitter, and I like it except for the waste. 13hp, 4000 lb pump with a 5” ram. The math says it’s 39.270 ton. In 30 seconds I can convert it to split like a regular splitter for the weird wood if need be. Put a crane type mast I guess you’d call it on it years ago with a hand winch for my back. Looking for a ATV 12 vote winch with remote now. For an ugly somebitch it does good.
09, you mentioned splitting kindling, wouldn't one of those splitting cones you attach to a hand drill be perfect- fast and light duty
I just added a box wedge to my splitter, and I like it except for the waste. 13hp, 4000 lb pump with a 5” ram. The math says it’s 39.270 ton. In 30 seconds I can convert it to split like a regular splitter for the weird wood if need be. Put a crane type mast I guess you’d call it on it years ago with a hand winch for my back. Looking for a ATV 12 vote winch with remote now. For an ugly somebitch it does good.
Pics or it didn't happen! I don't mind ugly.
A big one would be cool, I hear only good things about them.

But on a pop up ad I saw a small one for a drill, it went thru small logs making kindling with speed and no effort.
Pics or it didn't happen! I don't mind ugly.

Here ya go if ya want ugly, next time you’ll be careful what ya wish for...

The box wedge

The drop in block

The push block

The wedge without the push block

And the rest of the pos


It even splits wood


I referred to it as Frankinsplitter and my son said that was an insult to Frankenstein, he said it’s more like Jeepers Creepers splitter. :(
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Well, it looks like it gets the job done.
Some nice, even size pieces of firewood in those stacks.
Word is, some logs have split themselves when they see what they were being loaded onto :boogie:

I like the corrugated roof on the piles, simple, effective, looks decent too
Fo sho!

Did you have it lying around or did you gather it up somehow. Not much corrugated anywhere around here:/:;)
When I was looking to buy a splitter, I found strange that the ratting force/hp of the chinese ones were higher on average than those from the west wold. Some magic tech ?
No, to calculate the force, it seems that they simply use the outside diameter of the cylinder ! A good bunch of pounds easily won for the marketing.
Fo sho!

Did you have it lying around or did you gather it up somehow. Not much corrugated anywhere around here:/:;)
Prolly none “laying around” there either! Got to get it off the neighbor’s sheds when they’re not looking. A sheet here, a sheet there…and flip it over so they don’t recognize it as their missing panels!
When I was looking to buy a splitter, I found strange that the ratting force/hp of the chinese ones were higher on average than those from the west wold. Some magic tech ?
No, to calculate the force, it seems that they simply use the outside diameter of the cylinder ! A good bunch of pounds easily won for the marketing.
Chinese horses are smaller than American horses. You can get more of them in the box!
I don't try to set any records these days .I mean after all I am retired .Drug a couple EAB killed ash up last week .Dry as a popcorn fart and hard as concrete .A 5 pound axe just bounced off it .So hard I had to file after one log .Took me maybe 15 -20 minutes to saw it up then an hour and half to split it .A tad over 2 face cord or enough for 2-3 weeks . DSCN1049[1].JPG
I suppose the only upside to EAB ... plenty of great firewood (in the legends of arboriculture video they said back in day of Dutch Elm , they could not get all that material down and to the dump fast enough)
I'm old enough I remember Dutch elm .Fact I have some still growing but they seldom get to a foot in diameter before they die By the same token if the dying ash were dropped while they had any life left in him they will send off sprouts . Have some that are about 12 feet high coming off the roots . Hundreds of them popping up that were understory where they could never get to the sun . Hard to say they could make a come back but it will take 100 years .
I've got a 100 footer the wind finally dropped over 3 feet in diameter .I was concerned about dropping it for damage to the other trees but mother nature did it for me .Now I have to recover it probably 12 feet at a time because the little Ferguson tractor can't pull that much at one time .Fact I doubt my Oliver crawler could either .
They used elm for wagon tongues because it will bend like a noodle .If I find a good windfall about 6 inches I save it for side hauling logs and what not stuff .
Elm is a pisser to split but burns good when dry. For quite a few years it was my 1st choice. Like Al said, it gets to about a foot in diameter and then dies. I would wait til the bark fell off and it is ready to go in the stove. One of the few woods I have found where you can throw one piece in on some coals and it will catch and burn all the way down without any tending.

Last couple of years not so many around as there used to be. Not sure why. Still have trees growing but less. We had some pretty thick stands a few years back. Maybe the seed bank is petering out.