Fighting The Heat!!!

Here in northern Manitoba the 90F heat and high humidity isn't letting off. Here's my solution.

*Full brim white hardhat with white curtain on back, I can switch the curtain to the Pacific helmet with velcro.
Pacific hardhat with screen for climbing only, full brim with safety glasses for ground work only. The curtain makes amazing cooling effect, Bailey's sells them.

*The blue cloth is a terry cloth forehead sweat band that wraps around the hardhats suspension attaching onto itself with velcro, I own a couple doz of them. I change them 4 times a day. Wash them with the work clothes.

*The tan cloth band below the hardhat is a cooling tye I wear around my neck, soak it in cool water, the interior crystals absorb and swell and produce a cooling effect for up to 3-4 hrs.

*Next to the cool tye is a light pair of Ansell HyFlex gloves, these are much cooler then the heavier gloves.

*The lightest thinnest Carhart pants I can find. Wear the chaps only when needed.

*Lightweight mesh Hi-V vest, I spray lots of sunscreen on my shoulders and just wear the vest.

*Unlined iron worker boots with steel toe / shank and flat sole, excellent for foot locking and the soft white soles form well to the spurs [no heel needed] Best 8" summer boot with good suport I found on the market.
Hell yea I'm wearing my vest! I bought a neck thing using the same gelpacks and it's working just fine, too.

Order it ASAP!
Last couple weeks I had been doing really good dealing with the heat. Well I have been wanting to order that vest but haven't had the funds. Today I got over heated and believe I have heat exhaustion. Every time I would try to do anything outside it was like walking in quicksand so we wrapped it up around 1:00 Got home 20 minutes later and now it's flooding in my area. I am gonna have to get the neck band at minimum. Last year when I experienced heat exhaustion I was down for about two weeks! I need to finish this job and have about 5 bids to do and other jobs lined up for next week so I staying inside all day today and try to sleep. May try an ice bath which I did recently and it helped.
The more expensive ones are fire retardant.

Not exactly. One is fire retardant, one has reflective tape, and so on. I just ordered the tan khaki original, which is $10 more than the desert camo, but no difference other than color. Also ordered the extra ice packs. Can't wait to try it.
Not exactly. One is fire retardant, one has reflective tape, and so on. I just ordered the tan khaki original, which is $10 more than the desert camo, but no difference other than color. Also ordered the extra ice packs. Can't wait to try it.

When I was a Firefighter they had one at the station I put on when I was cleaning the trucks on a very hot day. It was a bit bulky but felt amazing! I might just stand on side the road and ask for spare change with a sign! Lol
Concerning those neck wraps, the ones with the crystals; be sure to reinforce the stitching or it eventually bursts and those crystals travel to the end preventing your being able to tie it.
It's just gotten hot here in the last two weeks...a camelback with 25% Gatorade or a little lemon and a pinch of salt is keeping me going...along with wicking shirts.
Gone to long sleeves in the last week, getting tired of sunburnt arms at the end of the day, it inevitably sweats/rubs off midway through the afternoon. Factor 30 Coppertone sport, goes longer than anything else I've tried and doesn't make you feel like you've spooned grease on your skin.
'kay...sometimes I hang a small 2l cooler in the tree, birdbath for climber.
I use the gatoraid bottles with the squirt spout in the lid. They work great for squirting!

So, who's ordered a Cool Vest? Mine saved my ass today on a big water oak trim, all climbing.
Right on MB. Tried Adam's Coolvest a couple weeks ago on a 95 degree humid day. It was icy goodness. He leant it to me to try but didn't want to give it back.:D One of the better products out there.