I've found old logging cable around, too. Its usually green and squishy on the outside (moss).
Stig and all,
Big sugar maple removal in the front yard.. wide canopy hanging over service wires, street primary, house, and jap maple... Medium Norway maple in the wide open backyard.. Load and a half of chips which is something over 30 yards... all wood cut and piled by street for log loader pick up, both stumps ground and grindings moved to backyard wild area... 90 degree high and 85% humidity...4 man crew... median age 56...
When I started in this biz in 1982, if you were in your mid-thirties you were the old man on the crew..
then after the boys (actually old men) went home I stopped and sold a $425 stump grinding job, and finished all but one stump before dark... ate dinner on the way home and walked in the door at 9:55
Seems like they'd go in the scrap metal bin to be sold later.