What exactly was she pointing at you? 

Katheryn was hott!
I've met and spent personal time with many of the icons in the industry today. Number one in my book is our moderator of this forum, Butch Ballowe. I made it a point to take the time to meet Butch on his own ground and he is a great host, true gentleman and honest blue collar worker. How he finds the time to run this forum and work as hard as he does at the same time is well beyond me. It is the blue collar that makes this world work. Bar none.
At the trade shows I mingle with the vendors, movers and shakers who make this industry what it is today. And drop in a few workshops and learn a few new things about urban arborculture, and it is all good.
Behind it all is a new up coming generation that will be the next icons of the industry. It has certainly come a long ways from the time I started in the business, and I am so very fortunate to have been a part of the past, present and seeing the future of it unfolding into a true and honorable trade.
To the next generation!! May they be as bad ass and true hearted as this one.
John Force? Austin Coil? Drag racers?
John Force? Austin Coil? Drag racers?