No not really, i use it on a 3 stand lanyard too that i use for positioning at work and it works great there too. I just do a slip knot to catch the biner, and then do the helical hitch. It works really well with a pinto because the hitch knot can simply go in the middle, so it all stays put perfectly. The helical knot is simply several loops finished with a bowline. Because of that you can infinitely adjust it so it works as hot as you prefer, and then simply do another overhand together with the ends to secure them. As needed you can stop and adjust, or leave alone forever. And you don't need splices or anything on the end, just some hitch cord. Suits me lol.
The epple hook has a hole on the end designed to be clipped with a biner. So i just clip the biner from the lanyard directly to it, it has a spliced eye for multiple attachments.