Dropped a 16' Hinoki with precision yesterday !!


May 4, 2007
Rarely do I fell trees anymore. I send the climbing removals to a friend arborist locally. Sometimes I drop some. Medium street trees are faves ... say a recent Ash that split in half with the wind. Side street, little traffic and no power lines. Man those are some nice fast honest and clean income.

Anyway, about mentioning this 16' miniature, was the expression on the face of the man who helped drag limbs from that and the rest of the pruning ... a temp ... who had never been around any tree felling before. When he saw this small Hinoki Cypress cut down, the expression on his face was as if a 100 foot tree were crashing to the ground. It was sort of interesting to see how big something small can seem to a certain person.

Had a fairly meaty trunk for a short tree though, with an 18" cut near ankle level.
That's a good one, Mario.

I gave my saw to a fellow who was helping on a job, and asked if he would go knock down a small tree. Like the one you mentioned. He did what i asked and come back wide-eyed and excited, "Man, that was the first tree I ever cut down in my life!" It surprised me because I assumed he had fell trees before.
that's a funny story. I was pretty excited when I first felled some "huge" tree's with an ax when I was a kid. a far cry from some of the 8 foot wide tree's I felled years later.
First saw I ever ran was a monkey ward lectric chainsaw, orange plastic, 8 inch bar.

I too was all wide eyed and giddy with excitement!

Yu see prior to that I pruned fan palms with hand loppers, three cuts per frond!

I had dollar signs in my eyes! And I could use the customer's lectricity!

I'll be rich!

Hinoki is an excellent softwood for construction, about the favorite for wood that will be exposed. Nice shine to it when polished, and smells nice.