Welcome new guy!
I wish somebody would, I don't know much about maples and I'm sick of re reading this thread.
Dan said Maple, Cory said Norway maple. Around here I only seem to see Sycamore maple/ Acer pseudoplatanus. So hinge wise I wouldn't have a clue.
I'd suggest Daniel hasn't been taught the 2.5x bar technique of felling.![]()
If you read the o.p. Squish, you'll remember that this thread was about 2 guys standing too close to the DZ causing me to waive them off, at which point the skid steer op pulled early before the back cut was completed. I will use the tapered hinge regularly when most guys wouldn't. Perhaps to fight a little side lean or give added protection to a valuable obstacle on one side of the LZ, but did not use it intentionally here...
I have intentionally practiced this cut for years in non-critical applications, trying to glean a complete understanding of its use. Unfortunately it is a fairly unreliable cut. Sometimes it works incredibly well to fight side lean, and other times seems to have little effect. Perhaps this is why it is a truly controversial subject to this day. When I wrote the article in TCI magazine, Ken Palmer told me face to face that the tapered hinge has no benefit to fight side lean and his scientist buddies in Germany had proved it. It is no longer taught to professional fallers.
On the other hand any experienced faller knows that a tree can be steered with the back cut. It seems like the controversy might be due to the effects being somewhat species dependent. Personally I have noticed red maple will tend to fall perfectly perpendicular to the backcut, even when it is fifteen or more degrees off the notch and the lean or pull favor the notch's 90. This is why in many situations you want to be certain the hinge is straight. Best way to do that is to eyeball the gunning line as the back cut is getting finished.
I may have ended up using a slight taper here, but certainly didn't mean to leave that much taper and that much meat on the hinge.. I did not start that back cut thinking I'll leave a good taper to the hinge. If the skid steer op hadn't pulled early I would have level out the cut..
Ok, besides the ugly notch, please enlighten us on the cuts to the sap wood. I may have missed it but I'm still confused as to when it became an urban legend. back to the original post. Why were you not using the comms? I remember you posting before on miscommunication with the skid steer operator and smashing another tree or something like that.
If you had simply asked about the corner cuts on page 2 we wouldn't be here on page 10... But you want to criticize, and you're still talking shit, like you know something!
then don't come asking for my understanding.. Figure it out for yourself... I did! And its no big deal, pretty simple actually... learned from the school of hard knocks...
I've been cutting trees since you were three years old.. That's given me plenty of time to make a lot of mistakes... And I learned from those mistakes.. Maybe... just maybe.. you can learn from yours too.
No response on the poorly sharpened saw cutting crooked?
I appreciate the response Daniel. Am curious still why you nipped the sapwood. What where your thoughts/reasons for doing it?
Dan, what did you say to Palmer in reply ? Was he saying that the tapered back hinge won't help keep a side leaner stay on course with the face cut ? or was he saying that on a fair standing tree, a tapered hinge won't make it deviate from the face ? Two different things. Is your article still viewable somewhere ? Thanks