Dreams - as in when you are asleep

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More biners!!!
Jul 31, 2005
near Atlanta
A recent exchange on Facebook got me to thinking this could be an interesting (bizarre?) thread.

Dreams. Here is one I had many years ago...where I died in the dream.

I was being chased by a dinosaur (small T-Rex, human size). It chased me thru dark woods and I climbed way up a tree. Freakin' dinosaur climbed the tree, too...and stabbed me in the back. I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. I do remember dying...breathing went south...and then next scene I was floating in front of an ordered scattering of "record" type disks....as if I was choosing my next rodeo.

There have been a few other memorable ones but that one is enough for now. Next?
I have recurring dreams, same events but with slightly different settings/people.

One particular dream where I’m still working in the office job, and I haven’t sold anything in ages, I’m panicking and then I remember I’m a tree guy and I try to explain that I don’t need the job..

I have had this in one form or another maybe hundreds of times.
I had a weird one the other day.

I was in an airport in China when the Head Coach for the North Korean National Ice Hockey Team came running over to me.

There main Goaltender had caught the Kung Flu and they needed a replacement goalie.

Naturally, I said yes and was the goalie for the match against Japan.

That was a brutal game! Lots of history there you know.......

I fell off a cliff and hit the ground once in a dream Gary.

Splat. Deader than Kelce's Nuts.
I've recently started paying attention to my dreams. Been reading some Jung, interesting ideas about one's unconscious communicating via dreams. I have no idea what it's trying to tell me, but it's fun trying to decipher.
One: (recurring/vivid) when in teens...spinning many giant plates on massive sticks or needles. Plates are like Thirty feet in dia and maybe twice that high or more above me. Running from one to the next, sweating, in a panic, they must not stop & fall! have to keep them all spinning or...calamity of some sort?! :lol: I'd wake up totally drenched...

Two: Having a gunfight at night with someone while trying to protect some female I was with...He shot her, then I killed him. He was also me... dontknow.gif . She survived, was pregnant and baby died form the shot...for some reason I knew the baby was "his"....woke up & wrote a song.

Three: Back when I roofed I used to fall off a difficult job nightly over and over until I'd wake up one morning and decide it was time to tackle that difficult/dangerous part of the job...then I'd sleep well afterwards

I don't seem to remember my dreams like I did when I was younger...
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I have a drem where I'm raking a huge yard after falling an extremely dead tree. Pieces are scattered for 100 yards in every direction. Takes hours to get it all raked and cleaned up. Just when I get it all finished the alarm goes off. Then I have to go to work. And rake.
I used to lucid dream, didn't do anything to cause the dreams but would realize I was dreaming and could take relative control... dreams were never as long as I liked, but it was a cool (random) experience. I'd forgotten about that until this thread.
Wow, lotta crazy dreams there!

I try hard but I can't remember my dreams.

Although I remember 2 recurring dreams, maybe once or twice a year, for years now. One has to do with flunking out of college, which I did, and isn't pleasant. The other is I see the opposite shore of the lake in Maine where our camp is has been clear cut. In real life, that side of the lake is owned by a boys camp and it is pristine and undeveloped
I can't remember my dreams. Sometimes I'll remember when I first wakeup, but it goes away quick. I kinda like scary dreams. Work dreams are the worst. It's usually some banal problem, that I may or may not solve, and wake up pissed off or half depressed. Good thing I can't remember well I guess.

I listen to a jazz show in the afternoon, and the dj has a brief segment where he lists three factoids. One this past week was "No face in a dream is unknown to you". IOW, there's never a strange face. You've seen that dream face somewhere. Dunno how true it is, but there ya go...
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Statements like that are weird...how can he know what faces you dream of...a forensic artist might dream of faces she constructs...of people she has never seen. Your dj is spouting bs.

It is an interesting thought...but I call bs.
I have recurring dreams of hiking through redwood groves. Full color. Beautiful. Near indistinguishable from the real thing.

Another is down at the sea shore, and some big waves come barreling in. I turn to run and my feet get stuck in the sand. That dream is just a reminder to me, I think, as I once was stranded on the rocks by the incoming tide, and on one episode washed off rocks into the sea.
Statements like that are weird...how can he know what faces you dream of...a forensic artist might dream of faces she constructs...of people she has never seen. Your dj is spouting bs.

It is an interesting thought...but I call bs.

“She” would know the faces she’s constructed eh?
I apparently was tripping balls here in the hospital, kept having weird torture execution camp dreams while drifting in and out. I didn't die, but holy shit lol. Kept waking up and asking my sister about the random plotline which i don't remember.