Does Body Posture During Felling Influence Physiological Load of Operator?


That Guy With The Face
Oct 9, 2022
Scottsdale, Arizona
"Does Body Posture During Felling Influence Physiological Load of Operator?"

I found this scholarly article on Google. It looks interesting. Check it out in the attachment below and discuss at your leisure...

It's a harmless PDF. It's only five pages and it discusses body posture when felling. giving useful statistics. =-D


  • Does_body_posture_during_tree_felli.pdf
    561.2 KB · Views: 18
definitely, ill take whatever is more comfortable 9 times out of 10, makes it go faster and safer IMO

ill be in a position to run if I feel its required, very rare though
generally down on one knee for a low stump, or high stump at chest level while standing
Generally, only the final stump cut or 2 have me at 1/2 kneel. Nearly all trees or stems are dropped at naval height from a standing position. For several reasons in no particular order: easier/faster to run, lesser target for stuff above/widowmakers, out of the most dirty wood, shorter drop zone necessary, easier on my body.

If it’s going to be milled, 1/2 kneel.

The final stump cuts are done absolutely last after everything else has been bucked and are made 1/2 kneel.

Just the way I prefer to do things
With this new 881 setup I'm playing with, I don't need to be comfortable, the cuts done before it even starts

Joking aside, yes, comfort matters just as much as having gas in your saw