Do You Watch TV?


Jul 1, 2008
southern Vermont
Wish I watched Television...sometimes....going on Ten years now without.....I do miss Antiques Roadshow and wonder if they are still milking the Survivor show
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...not that much...a radio man. Weird part is how much less stressed I am about worlwide shit that I have no control over anyways...backlash is how easily I am hypnotized and pulled in when I am near one...honestly the comercials freak me out
Do ya'll drive cars? Use cellphones? Have refrigerators? What's the difference? How about doctors? Do you believe in modern medicine?

Watching the show now, pretty damn cool.
We just use Netflix and Hulu for what TV we "choose" to watch. They can stuff their $40.00 per month for umteen channels of shit on the TV to choose from up their collective SAT arses.... Funny... Rarely do our kids get the "I wants" in the store and throw temper tantrums when they don't get candy or Transformers.... Kids go out side with sticks and play..... And shoot BB guns... and ride bikes... Swing.... Climb trees......
I ain't facing shit. I love television, commercials, movies, everything! I learn new stuff everyday from them.

Ya'll keep your heads buried in the sand... not THIS homeboy.
...not that much...a radio man. Weird part is how much less stressed I am about worlwide shit that I have no control over anyways...backlash is how easily I am hypnotized and pulled in when I am near one...honestly the comercials freak me out

Same here.
No tv for me either for the last 6 or so years, we have internet and Netflix, I'll listen to the radio sometimes, Butch it's nice down here in the sand you should try it, what's the difference between Netflix and Hulu?
I ain't facing shit. I love television, commercials, movies, everything! I learn new stuff everyday from them.

Ya'll keep your heads buried in the sand... not THIS homeboy.
I love tv as well, otherwise I'd have to talk to the wife. Sport, news, comedy (mostly American) gardening programmes, I'll freely admit I watch too much but it's a long winter.
We just use Netflix and Hulu for what TV we "choose" to watch. They can stuff their $40.00 per month for umteen channels of shit on the TV to choose from up their collective SAT arses.... Funny... Rarely do our kids get the "I wants" in the store and throw temper tantrums when they don't get candy or Transformers.... Kids go out side with sticks and play..... And shoot BB guns... and ride bikes... Swing.... Climb trees......

I went tv free for two years. Now we are just netflix and soon to be hulu now If I could only get nat geo, discovery, food network animal planet, PBS, and the history channels maybe I would pay for that but the rest is just crap.
We just have Netflix and tons of videos we watch repeatedly. It works for us. The only time I miss tv is when there is a natural disaster and I can't watch the news, or when there is a bad storm somewhere and I can't watch the weather. But even then, you see the same news or weather report over and over and over, with a million commercials thrown in. I can get news and weather on my computer anytime.
Of course most of the stuff on TV is crap, I'd say at least 90%. I watch the 10% that isn't crap. Very rarely can I watch a movie more than once. I hate repeats - once I've seen something, I've seen it and I'm done with it. And I love the news! Robin Meade wakes me up most every morning!

My DVR makes tv tolerable. Fast forward through ALL the commercials.

I like a lot of the commercials - a lot of thought and production has gone in to them. They aren't the commercials we grew up on!

Actually, good commercials are the few things I enjoy re-watching! Plus, they're short - over with before they get boring.
I quite like the best ads, I think probably you get more in the US than in the UK, (in France with British Telly)
Tonight me and the wife will eat a curry on our laps whilst watching Strictly Come Dancing, you know it as Dancing With the Stars I believe. Bottle of Bordeaux next to me, what could be better?
I don't watch the news much anymore and I have to say I've got a much better outlook on life.

DVR and cable shows like Ray Donovan and Homeland make cable worth it for us... I miss when channels like History had real history and TLC actually showed something worth learning about.
I can't imagine not watching the news, first thing in the morning TV goes on for the news. Last thing at night check the iPad.
Not wanting to know what's going on in the wider world, just seems strange.