Difficulty pulling a climb line up and over


Aug 16, 2021
Harford county MD
Had one of those times where the throw line couldn’t quite get the climb line over a limb. The situation where you jerk the line at various pressures and speeds about 50 times.

I found that several wraps of the throw line around a gloved hand and a quick stomp on the throw line got it over.

Maybe it was a fluke but it seems like bringing leg power into the equation really helps.
have you tried crisscross wraps around a stick/peg and pinching it down with your thum?, gives a great handle to pull with and free in most cases
otherwise, if you have dynaglide tying to a skidsteer, or comealong will get it over in 99% of cases

WoodCutr not responsible for shredded ropes lol
Yup. Wrap a stick. Pull with stick..less painful.
You can use your pole pruner pole in a pinch. Tad hard on fiberglass. But I use wood aloft.
Mini porty can work too.
And another note. Sometimes its easier to pull the line in the direction the throw line went through. Make your climb line follow the path of entry.
Anytime I have trouble it's due to the very tip of the rope creating a bent nub that catches on the tree. I clove hitch the throwline 2 or 3 inches down and then a series of half hitches with the last as close to the end as possible. I have limited experience of course, and have never had to reef on it like I'm trying to snap a snagged fishing line.
I clove hitch the throwline 2 or 3 inches down and then a series of half hitches with the last as close to the end as possible
I used to do this, however had switched to a different technique and havent gotten a single line stuck since
girth hitch (I never use a clove on throwline) the line 18" down from the end, and thats it, it doubles over but doesnt have an end to snag, just a nice curved section which slides around obstacles
your method is the only way to put a line in a firctionsaver or pulley tho, so I suppose they each have their own advantage
That's interesting. I'll have to give that a try next time I have a hassle pull through a crotch.
That's interesting. I'll have to give that a try next time I have a hassle pull through a crotch.
so long as its not a tight crotch, although I dont think ive ever come across a tree without a single open crotch to tie into, usually something there
even tight crotches it helps tho, atleast for me and my trees/rope combo
ymmv, just what works for me so far
Marlinspike hitch with a stick, one of the handiest knots there is! Far better than wrapping your hand, and far safer too. I use a pile hitch for connecting the climb line, really quick and easy to do and leaves the tail doubled over.
I use the pile hitch, but I follow it with a half hitch near the end so it pulls inline. I can see the benefit of having the rope doubled over. Looking forward to trying it.
Never tried allowing the rope to just double over. Seems counter intuitive to my brain. Huh.

Always something to learn :).
I’ll tie the throw line to the other line about a foot and a half back. Run it up to the crotch and give a quick yank once it’s there and that usually flips the rope end up and over the crotch. Easy peasy lemon squeezey.
I’ll tie the throw line to the other line about a foot and a half back. Run it up to the crotch and give a quick yank once it’s there and that usually flips the rope end up and over the crotch. Easy peasy lemon squeezey.
I forgot to mention the "flick"
however, with or without the flick it does work great dont it?
I commonly mid- tie on the throw line so that the working end or standing end is situated as I want it. That is one of the infrequent time that I remove my throw bag for retrieval.
I've been running the single girth hitch a couple feet from the end of the rope for years now with very few issues (make sure it's cinched tight right before you pull it). If it doesn't pull through, just lower it down and half hitch your life away :) I can't remember who showed it to me, but it's painful to watch someone tie and untie so many half hitches, on a wide open pull. Works great if you leave a permanent loop in the end of your throwline, that one I remember Burnham showing me back in the day (thank you sir). Never gone back to tying and untying the bag and also have had very few issues...
I used to do this, however had switched to a different technique and havent gotten a single line stuck since
girth hitch (I never use a clove on throwline) the line 18" down from the end, and thats it, it doubles over but doesnt have an end to snag, just a nice curved section which slides around obstacles
your method is the only way to put a line in a firctionsaver or pulley tho, so I suppose they each have their own advantage
This doesn't work in reverse, for leaving a throw line. You can guess how I know this.
This doesn't work in reverse, for leaving a throw line. You can guess how I know this.
how so? dont think ive ever had a reason to try it, but I cant see how it wouldnt work?
sorry you got your rope stuck, I was at a treestuff party a few weeks back and let a guy try my dynaglide out, I go over like an hour later to get it back (he came from zingit in a 5 gallon bucket to dynaglide in a legit cube, wanted to play) and he's got another line out, to get mine un stuck, shit happens
I tried your technique couple weeks ago Cutr. Couldn't pull it through inline, but after dropping it and retying it with a floppy end, it went right through.