Damn that was fast:

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Young man on the go
Mar 6, 2005
<<<< I took the post down because i went back and looked and perhaps I don't see a den patch, but their rank is still funky.

Circa 8 years ago, fwiw.
I was a Cub Scout for a couple weeks until dear old dad realized it was gonna cost him dinero, the cheap bastid.
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You look a patch or two short there LJ.:) Awesome. Do you have camping all dialed in?

I've spent quite a few nights under the stars and several fold that number in a tent.

Longest "trek" was 13 or 14 nights. 2 nights at base camp (wall tents), 10 showerless nights on the trail (light weight 2 man tent), and another night or two at base camp.

Good memories from BSA.

On my right arm you can see some pinker skin from where I used a pumice stone to remove some set in stain that we used to stain some portable wooden kitchens. I can't remember their name, but think a small chuck wagon on wooden legs.
I looks like your right side is slumping under the weight of all your merit badges.

I was an Indian Guide and hopefully there are no pictures of me in a loin cloth and leather vest.
Cub scout for 3 years, i think, I had a bunch of badges but I dont think I have any pics. Looking forward to Bub doing the beavers, cubs , scouts thing. If he wants too of course. :)
Barbie? Pamela anderson? hot girls? well, if thats his distraction, so be it.

but he WILL learn to build a campfire and a few other outdoor skills. If I have to teach him myself.
I was an Indian Guide and hopefully there are no pictures of me in a loin cloth and leather vest.

look out for the pink rattlesnake hith hith
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Quite a sash full there LJ .Had the troop not folded I had enough for Life as well .Later it was kind of reassembled but by then we were all Explorer scouts . Really we were more interested by that time in interesting projects rather than merit badges .

Stories on that could abound like the time we all got higher than a Georgia pine from breathing airplane dope while making a canvas bottomed canoe . Nodody told us what that stuff would do in an enclosed space .Lucky it didn't kill us all or cause brain damage .Then come to think of it we all kinda turned out just a tad bit eccentric in later life .:lol:
I was in scouts as a kid, and absolutely loved it. I couldn't have cared less about the badges though. My troop was all about camping, hiking, and knots. I didn't even know there were that many merit badges!
I still have my Cub book, last I used it was in highschool. Some of the girls in the class had given up on passing notes in class and started to use fingerspelling sign language :shifty: guess who taught hisself the same via the Cub book directions? :) It was near the section on semaphor and morse code FWIW.
I think I have my shirt, beanie and tie thingy somewhere too, AND my blanket. ha, I gotta dig that stuff up one day.

I have good camping and outdoors memories too, like the time we Cubs raided the river cached foodstuffs of the older Scouts... sneaking candy in our sleeping bags, scaring the hell out of some Beavers that were tenting for the first time (think blair witch project, pounding on the outside of their tents) hahaha, good times. Cant wait to share them with Bub.
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I was in scouts as a kid, and absolutely loved it. I couldn't have cared less about the badges though. My troop was all about camping, hiking, and knots. I didn't even know there were that many merit badges!

Yeah, all we did was sit in our scout building working on getting more of them snazy badges. We spent less than 40 nights a year in a tent, on average, not counting camps, jamborees, OA functions, or shake downs for Philmont. When we went to DC or other cities we stayed in a hotel.

We only sent 2 crews to Philmont the summer after I got my Eagle. I was recommended for Rayado (21 day 250-325 miles) by the guide, but I started my company the next summer and didn't make time to go. By the time I thought about it, I was over the age limit of 21.

Philmont was the first place I climbed with spikes, fwiw.
I was in scouts as a kid and still am. I think ive been registered for 28 yrs now.

I earned my eagle rank in 1989. Spent 4 summers canoing the boundary waters of N. Minnesota during college and got a job after here in Enid where I live.

I have been an asst scoutmaster since 1994 and last yr became the cubmaster for my sons cub scout pack. I am also the Den leader for the wolves (my sons den).

I even had a brief stint as a girl scout leader till their sexism showed its face, then i was outta there.

Currently, we are in the popcorn sale phase. If anyone wants some, I can get you the online order information and you can support our pack and ahve the corn delivered right to your doorstep.

Im pretty active too w/ the council. Last spring i took 3 loads of wood chips to the scout camp to put down on some trails and used the skidder to move some wood around making room for some tents.

Its a great program. Ive met alot of great people. Lawyers, doctors, judges, bank people and others around town that i dont think i would have ever met otherwise. its also helped w/ the business meeting these people and sharing what I do.
That is cool man, way to make a difference in young people's lives.8)

Oh yah I was never a scout or nothing myself. Grew up around loggers and bikers.
Scouting is good program no doubt about it .A young lellow can learn all types of things and have fun doing it .

A lot has changed over the years I'm sure as far as merit badges etc . Would you believe though that back in the day along with the usual marksmanship ,canoeing ,archery etc that I had a merit badge in blacksmithing .I doubt they even have that now .
Yea Al,

Theres been a lot of changes since I was in boy scouts. there was rabbit raising, bee keeping and the shooting sports was 1 badge. rabbits and bees are out and shooting isnow broken into shotgun and rifle.

I was given a BSA Handbook for boys, 19th printing copyright 1933. In the back there are ads for products including western super-x 22's, official shoes, and mercurochrome. The book belonged to my wifes grandfather. he too was a scouter and a recipient of the silver beaver award.