Cutting bushel is hard!

You are correct...It numbs the itch. Just have to make sure that you get the microscopic poison oak oil off your skin first...don't ask how I know. I used to scrub with fels naptha laundry bar soap when I got home to shower. Had to take a lot of steps to minimize that stuff, but I would still get it. When I was working trace plants, I would wear a full sleeve hickory shirt, and had my wife make me an elastic band to go around my collar, to keep chips from going down my shirt. Another thing that helped was wearing a chainsaw helmet with the muffs and face screen. One of the worst spots the get that itch is inside your ears, from ear plugs...there were other terrible spots to get it as well, but we won't get into that...
I worked with a guy who’s MO was to crap in the woods. One day he comes in waddling like he rode a 100 miles on horseback for the first time. Mind you he’s a fair skinned, blued eyed of Polish descent. Then he precedes to admit he used poison ivy by mistake. I can assure you there is nothing funnier than watching a grown man spread eagle in the truck trying to cool his undercarriage with the AC. We had to show our sympathy and concern but later he got roasted pretty good. For like a year.