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- #51
Good tips, Kirk, on feeding the beast...and on metal fatigue, AL. Alex has alrlealdy welded some places...we'll see how they do.
Crazy, Tucker, on the tire going bye-bye...that happened to my son in his 1967 Bronco a few years back...the tire passed him on driver's side, crossed incoming traffic, went down a hill, thru a parking lot at a park, hit a dirt bank in a field and went airborne and got lost in a 3 acre patch of kudzu. I looked for hours and never did find the thing.
A few months later it happened again..axle broke this time. We found an old crack in the axle that must have happened when the first wheel got fed to the kudzu...replacing the axle took care of that madness.
Crazy, Tucker, on the tire going bye-bye...that happened to my son in his 1967 Bronco a few years back...the tire passed him on driver's side, crossed incoming traffic, went down a hill, thru a parking lot at a park, hit a dirt bank in a field and went airborne and got lost in a 3 acre patch of kudzu. I looked for hours and never did find the thing.
A few months later it happened again..axle broke this time. We found an old crack in the axle that must have happened when the first wheel got fed to the kudzu...replacing the axle took care of that madness.