Dormant hero!!
Haha, like the rest of us. You just said your name was attached to the comment but I don't know who you are. Must be on the buzz?
I remember that article. Are you the same person that invented that brace rod jig in TCI Magazine a few years back?
Do you have any proof to support you claims? So far in all of my Rigguy cable inspections I have not seen what you are talking about.
flush he's mixed up the names. wedgegrips do NOT require untwisting the 7-strand cable, but they did come out after 1950, so he'll find some defect in them no doubt...but Jon is in big company; the ultraconservative corporations that dominate A300 give similar short shrift to terminal fasteners, with a similar lack of references.
Simply ask Mr. Rigguy whether or not his deally bobs meet the cable mfr's published rated breaking strength?...
[How strong is a Wire Stop®?
Wire Stops® are pull-tested with hydraulic cylinders. Pressure is applied to the cabling system to test its durability and strength. In all our testing, the EHS strand being held by the Wire Stop® fails before any sign of failure of the Wire Stop®
The above statement was taken from the Rigguy website. Speculation on how something will work or theorizing on modes of failure do not trump actual field trials. From what I have witnessed in the field, the Rigguy system works very well.
flush he's mixed up the names. wedgegrips do NOT require untwisting the 7-strand cable, but they did come out after 1950, so he'll find some defect in them no doubt...but Jon is in big company; the ultraconservative corporations that dominate A300 give similar short shrift to terminal fasteners, with a similar lack of references.
this 'hole enlargement' scare is the new bogeyman; in the same vein as the horror over interior decay. I just reviewed a report wherein a heritage tree was condemned after their shiny toys showed the tree was 34% hollow, which is no issue whatsoever...Hack consulting.
But if you have inspected cabling you have seen hole enlargement right? Here is some in a locust. i could have installed a second cable to lessen movement and hole enlargement, but it did not seem justified.
View attachment 62359
Having watched the repeated callusing in those teeny holes, I'll take that conundrum over the "Big fat hole for an eyebolt, higher material costs, and more time and effort" fiasco.
"Put 10k lbs of pull on Rigguy's termination, and of course the cable fails first, cuz the wedge grip cut it like a pair of dykes!"
Jon, your rant would be less incoherent if you stop referring to Wirestops as Wedgegrips.
The cables do NOT break near the end, so the strand separation apparently has nothing to do with the cable failure.
And let's not get women with sensible shoes involved here, or Hitler will not be far behind! Or are 'dykes' some kind of tool?