Bug and tick repellent.

Dave Shepard

Square peg, round world.
Oct 28, 2007
Alford, MA
Any good stuff out there? I mostly use Off! (Or On!, as I call it). The mosquitoes and deer flys are getting nasty.
Military uses permethrin treated clothes. I bought some to reapply to my pants, and the ticks on me weren't as bad as my previous trips. I don't typically use insecticides, so it's only a single data point. It'll work on mosquitoes, but I don't think it'll work for deer flies. Long sleeves/pants, and light colors for deer flies. If you have one harassing you, raise a hand over your head. When it lands on that hand, hit it with the other. They gravitate to highest part of your body.
Deet, none better the higher the percentage the better. But use the shit judiciously it ain’t good for you. I hit up my boots, pant cuffs, a few shots around the waist, and one shot upper back. Best to keep off of direct contact with your skin.
I have been suggested neem oil as well as peppermint oil for my dog so I would think that would work if used cautiously. We have been using a peppermint collar and it seems to be working.
Is there a missing comma or do you guys actually have ticks that prey on bugs?

I could do with some of those.
Coleman makes some good stuff. Comes in various % of Deet. Bought 40% last year, knocked the snot of the little bastards.
This yeaar has been dry, no skeeters to speak of, even in the woods.
