Ma and Pa Kettle

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Jan 6, 2020
Surfing channels today after the heat and found a scene where Ma Kettle was cleaning out a bathtub in her house, pulls out a wooden bow saw and says " Pa borrowed this from Jeff Jepson three years ago." I thought I was in a twilight zone, what are the odds. Trivia challenge - find it and see it for yourself. I think the title had At Home in it but not sure.
I remember the Ma and Pa Kettle movies. Used to be regulars at the free movies in the park on Saturday night. Along with Francis the Talking Mule. More of those good ole days!!!! They had two Indian sidekicks, One was Hatchet but I don't remember the other name.
Geoduck & Crowbar were the indians If I recall... :lol:

Loved watching Percy & Marjorie play Ma & Pa....couldn't have cast those parts better IMO.
I used to watch them a bit when I was a kid.

When I was about 18 a mate asked a couple of us to go up with him to see his parents for Christmas. They lived at Bowraville, an old timber and dairy town about 300 miles from Sydney.

They didn't live in town but way out of town and Bowraville was a fair way from anywhere then really.

They had a dairy farm and I grew up on a dairy, but it was nothing like that one. It was like walking straight into the Ma and Pa Kettle show.
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Are you saying there's a bunch of Ma and Pa Kettle shows/movies? I figured it a one off.

edit - I did some homework they're a set of movies, title Ma and Pa Kettle At Home and be darned if I can find an online copy. I'll watch for a replay on the TCM channel and try to video the clip. Check out the math clip :
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