Bird Watching!

We must have been working in a migrating corridor today.
Had some hundred Barnacle Geese passing on their way to Svalbard ( I know that, because the Greenland corridor is further to the west)
6 Honey Buzzards on the way to Sweden and an Eagle on the way to god only knows.
We have been enjoying more than the average number of Western Tanager sightings this summer. I'm especially glad of it, since it seems that for the last several years they have only been declining in numbers. They are a particularly beautiful songbird.

The name "tanager" is familiar to me, but I don't know from where. I'm wondering if I saw one of the varieties around here and looked them up. I might have to dig around, and see if I could expect to find one out this way. A quick look on wikipedia says they're mainly tropical birds, but that doesn't mean they all are.