Bird Watching!

My wife got some pics of the adult in the pine, and while she was editing it, we saw another juvenile right beside the adult, but it blended so well we never saw it. I can’t get the pics to upload.
WA IMG_8441.jpeg

I used to hike around in the mountains where I escape the heat in summer with a decent cannon. Have a bunch of albums on Photobucket. 😒

Met my friend Jack up there…with his very large Cannon lens.

Interesting how the ones that were still alive were eager for rescue
I think animals aren't as dumb as they sometimes seem. They probably calculated a sketchy uber had better prospects than staying put.
yes. Apparently vultures are too big and get too waterlogged to take off once down in the ocean
Bohemian Waxwings , seen them once here a few years back. Good close group sighting as I had to look them up. Thought I saw a group today , as I grabbed binoculars they flew away ... Chance they could have been Chickadees ...
Robins have all headed to warmer climes at this time of year, here. Be back in springtime. But we have small flocks of varied thrushes, which are similar in size and act almost the same. They usually abandon us in warmer weather, mostly but not completely. Pretty birds.
Robins will absolutely strip holly trees of berries in early spring. It's getting close to that time. Not sure exactly when it happens. Whole tree will be filled with birds, and a couple days later, all the berries are gone.
About 11pm last nite I woke up and thought I head an owl but it was barely audible thru the closed windows. Sure enough, I stuck my head outside and heard a great horned owl going at it casually for about 40 minutes. Used the app I learned here for ID
We heard exactly the same last night @cory ! This one has been hanging around for several weeks, hear it many nights, especially if we have a bedroom window slightly open.

I really like it when in springtime we hear two different GHO calling back and forth to each other. Same general pattern, but easily discernable different voice tones.